
Showing posts from May, 2015

objective c - Cocoa: Button Control in secondary .xib (loaded from MainWindowController) fails to invoke its Action -

a simple test application using xcode 7.3 under macos 10.10 using objective c. appdelegate.h @property mainwindowcontroller *mymainwindowcontroller; appdelegate.m - (void)applicationdidfinishlaunching:(nsnotification *)anotification { _mymainwindowcontroller = [[mainwindowcontroller alloc] initwithwindownibname:@"mainwindowcontroller"]; [_mymainwindowcontroller showwindow:self]; } the mainwindowcontroller.xib mainwindow main view mainwindowcontroller.h @property iboutlet nsview * mainview; //hooked view in mainwindowcontroller.xib mainwindowcontroller.m - (void)windowdidload { [super windowdidload]; myxib* vc = [[myxib alloc] initwithnibname:nil bundle:nil]; [_mainview addsubview:[vc view] ]; } myxib created in xcode subclass of nsviewcontroller. has button object, in view. myxib.h @interface myxib : nsviewcontroller - (ibaction)buttonpushed:(id)sender; myxib.m - (void)viewdidload { [super viewdidload]; } - (ibaction)bu...

.htaccess - How do you convert Jade to HTML files in a web hosting service? -

i using godaddy host website, browsers don't support jade. there mime type or .htaccess file can use convert jade files html or program start reading @ index.jade file? or create index.html file redirects jade files? most other advices have directed me html2jade converter, not looking for. trying run jade files are, if possible. thanks! i using godaddy host website, reads html files. that isn't true. static hosting site able serve kind of file (although possible won't use right content-type). if html files supported you'd find difficult have webpages includes images, stylesheets or javascript. is there mime type or .htaccess file can use convert jade files html or program start reading @ index.jade file? this suggests can use text/jade mime type jade file. is not standard though. assuming apache, directoryindex directive can change default file served directory. this won't though. browsers not support jade , have convert html...

r - Split a single column into a multiple columns dataframe -

so i've solved initial problem using suggestion g. grothendieck, again, clean way of doing after. initial post here . reality file little more subtle . it looks (see data section @ end of post reproducible format): a1 100 200 txt a2 string 300 400 txt txt txt txt txt txt a3 string string 150 250 a2 . . . preliminary data wrangling looks : type <- cumsum(raw_data[[1]] %in% c("a1","a2","a3")) v <- tapply(raw_data[[1]], type, c, simplify = false) m <- t(, lapply(v, ts))) raw_data<-, stringsasfactors = false) raw_data[] <- lapply(raw_data, type.convert, = true) raw_data$occurences <- 0 giving : v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 1 a1 100 200 txt <na> <na> <na> 2 a2 string 300 400 txt txt txt txt txt txt 3 a3 string string 150 250 <na> <na> 4 a2 <na> <na> <na> <na> <na> ...

Slave servers KETTLE pentaho -

i using carte web server execute transformations remotly, somtimes when web service called multiple times @ same moment got timeout error description "gc overhead limit exceeded". i want know why getting issue, , should creating multiple slave servers solution, if procedure? note: https://xxxx/kettle/getslaves return : <slaveserverdetections></slaveserverdetections> the answer gc overhead limit exceeded is carte server run out of memory. carte server jetty server pdi functionality, java process it's nature wich run jobs or transformations. jobs , transformations it's nature description of carte server should do. fetch data, sort string, have been configured. if want run massive tasks of carte server have tune carte startup script give java process more memory, more heap space, define best gc strategy or ever based on knowledge on have tuned. try google on 'gc overhead limit exceeded' , play java process startup arguments. ...

android - What replaced WearableListView.Adapter? -

i built androidstudio projects, , being told wearablelistview.adapter class deprecated. however, when go documentation , says nothing being deprecated. haven't been able figure out class should used instead. introduced in wear 2.0, should use wearablerecyclerview class described in curved layout documentation .

c# - Uploading and Downloading in Visual Studio vs. Production -

when create code in visual studio, runs temp directory. @ hosting provider (one hosts sites), in different directory (typically app server virtual folder iis). need have uploaded files in directory iis web server can find them, use case below work. q: how can define links in mvc controllers/views work both in development in production (upload & download)? use case : app needs allow file uploaded (still don't know on dev box upload to), , via link on page download same file. in case you're in need of more detailed answer i'll give hints , on right track. define contract can abstract concrete file provider implementation in order minimize impact , modifications code if need change underlying file storage later. instance if go azure in future version can implement azurefileprovider , store file using blobs. public interface ifileprovider { uploadresult uploadfile(byte[] filecontent, string filename); downloadresult downloadfile(int fil...

html - Bootstrap-4 spacing class mb-2 doesn't work -

the bootstrap-4 spacing class mb-2 doesn't work while ml-2 work. here's code, .mb-2 { margin-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } !important should override other margin-bottom definitions. 1.5rem reference, how many pixels?

ios - How to get URL from UIImage? -

i have ios app in there 2 ways user can picture: select photos library ( uiimagepickercontroller ) click custom made camera here code clicking image custom camera (this within custom class called camera , subclass of uiview ) func clickpicture(completion:@escaping (uiimage) -> void) { guard let videoconnection = stillimageoutput?.connection(withmediatype: avmediatypevideo) else { return } videoconnection.videoorientation = .portrait stillimageoutput?.capturestillimageasynchronously(from: videoconnection, completionhandler: { (samplebuffer, error) -> void in guard let buffer = samplebuffer else { return } let imagedata = avcapturestillimageoutput.jpegstillimagensdatarepresentation(buffer) let dataprovider = cgdataprovider(data: imagedata! cfdata) let cgimageref = cgimage(jpegdataprovidersource: dataprovider!, decode: nil, shouldinterpolate: true, intent: .defaultintent) let image = uiimage(cgimage: cgimageref!,...

mysql - How to find same/mutual/common entries of two users? -

this question has answer here: show entries have in common user, seperated likes , dislikes 1 answer i want find pages 2 users ( status = 1 ) or dislike ( status = 0 ). structure pages_likes : assume user id ( uid ) 1 , i'm on page of user user id uid = 2 , want select page_id entries have in common user. how select or count amount of page_id entries have in common? i found out way it: select distinct p.title_de, l.page_id (select page_id pages_likes uid in (2, 1) , status = 1) l left join pages p on l.page_id = group l.page_id having count(l.page_id) > 1 i'm not sure if best way, because use query twice different where-conditions (changing status = 0 dislikes), seems work.

windows - Can I create global powershell PSWorkflowJob jobs that all users can see? -

i want write powershell workflow run scripts, reboot , continue execute left off. not when user logs on, when computer reboots (so non-interactively). the challenge needs run locally. windows makes infuriatingly difficult. what have done far create workflow runs job (psworkflowjob). in middle of workflow runs restart-computer -wait switch then create scheduled task runs @ startup resumes workflow the problem tasks cannot run @ startup unless store credentials or run local system. don't want pass admin creds @ in script run task local system. when computer reboots task fires, can't find job because job created local admin. workflow resume_workflow { powershell.exe -noninteractive -executionpolicy bypass -file 'c:\somescript.ps1' restart-computer -wait powershell.exe -noninteractive -executionpolicy bypass -file 'c:\someotherscript.ps1' } $taskname = 'continue_workflow' #pass code directly powershell.exe avoid creating .p...

angularjs - Is there angular-ui update for angular 2? -

we moving angular1 angular2, using angular-ui/ui-mention . is there update angular2, or new library facebook mention? we have tried angular2-mention, not come highlight function. yes, they're calling ng-bootstrap. check out. still work in progress, there hope.

algorithm - Minimum cost of choosing items from n buckets -

i have n numbers of buckets. each bucket contains 3 items - i1, i2 & i3. each item has own cost associated. have pick items each bucket such items picked 2 consecutive buckets not same. algorithm find minimum cost of picking n items n such buckets? i can think recursive brute force solution explore costs , find out minimum of them. what can efficient algorithm solve problem? the state space dynamic programming can defined follows. c[i,j] = minimum cost attainable choosing items item each bucket in {1,...,i} each item index different item index in previous bucket , item in last bucket j in {1,...,n} , j in {1,2,3} for state space, obtain following recurrence relation, i[j,k] each j in {1,...,n} , k in {1,2,3} denotes cost of k -th item in bucket k . c[i,j] = min { min { c[i-1,2], c[i-1,3] } + i[i,1]: j = 1, min { c[i-1,1], c[i-1,3] } + i[i,2]: j = 2, min { c[i-1,1], c[i-1,2] } + i[i,3]: j = 3 ...

swift3 - Alamofire Swift 3 - Extra Argument in Call Error -

xcode forced me update old swift 2.3 syntax 3.0. alamofire 4.0.1. when trying build project fails error argument in call. alamofire.request(url, .get, parameters: ["part":"snippet,contentdetails", "key": api_key,"maxresults":50, "channelid":channelid], encoding: parameterencoding.url, headers: nil).responsejson { (response) in how fix issue. shows in on 6 files in project. identical error. do call below alamofire.request(url, parameters: ["part":"snippet,contentdetails", "key": api_key,"maxresults":50, "channelid":channelid], encoding: urlencoding.default) .responsejson { (response) in } i hope work... more info, can check out link

java - Creating tray icon using JavaFX -

i want write tray icon via javafx , find can write awt . there way can write use javafx ? it these tray icons windows 10: if this believed, javafx feature tray icons in future update. till stick awt. keep track of development using this thread on jdk bug system. hope helps.

java - Why am I getting a nullpointer exception? (Beginner) -

this question has answer here: what nullpointerexception, , how fix it? 12 answers i extremely frustrated this, , have been trying days try , fix it. have 2 classes, main , getnounlist main: import*; import java.util.*; public class main { public static void main(string[] args) throws filenotfoundexception { getnounlist nouns = new getnounlist(); }// end main method }//end of main class getnounlist: import*; import java.util.*; public class getnounlist extends main { arraylist<string> listofwords; public getnounlist() throws filenotfoundexception { scanner list = new scanner(new file( "/users/fareedmabrouk/desktop/explore/coding/java/businessideagenerator/coderepository/businessgen/src/nouns.txt")); while (list.hasnextline()) { listofwords.add(list.nextline()); } // end while loop system.o...

extracting links with a specific class with Selenium in Python -

i trying extract links infinite scroll website it's code scrolling down page driver ='c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\chromedriver.exe') driver.get('') in range(0,2): driver.implicitly_wait(15) driver.execute_script("window.scrollto(0, document.body.scrollheight);") time.sleep(20) i aim @ extracting specific links page. class = "market_current_title" , html following : <a class="market_current_title" href="/news/3223955-dow-wraps-best-week-since-2011-s-and-p-strongest-week-since-2014" sasource="titles_mc_top_news" target="_self">dow wraps best week since 2011; s&amp;p in strongest week since 2014</a> when used url = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('market_current_title') i ended error says "stale element reference: element not attached page document". tried url = ...

java - Unable to debug attached Source Code(rt.jar). "Unable to install break point due to missing line number" -

i have tried unchecking , checking box inside windows-->preference-->compiler option-->class file generation. tried restarting eclipse.but didnt work. using "eclipse-jee-indigo-sr2-win32-x86_64". have used src zip folder in jdk1.7.0_79. i want write own program, use map/list etc , debug through methods of these classes , see how works internally.please help the message complaining java runtime not having debugging information. attaching source not fix problem, enable read source. didn't compile classes using eclipse, preference has no relevance. if want debug rt.jar, need install , compile/run against jdk , not jre , , if have jdk installed, sounds not being used run java application. check installed jres preference page (hint: prefer having jdks there) , application's launch configuration make sure it's using expect.

string - Simple python 2.7 code has some kind of issue: "'list' object has no attribute 'find'" -

the purpose of code return dictionary lists beginning index of substring in larger string. ex. matchup(["a", "b, "c", "d"], "abc") return: {"a":0, "b":1, "c":2, "d":-1} (with -1 being default empty key) the hint question find function can tell beginning index substring in string. correct syntax, right? have array of characters in strarray, , y substring searching for. def matchup (strarray, word): index ={} x in strarray: index [x]=-1 y in word: x in index: if y in strarray: index [x]= strarray.find(y) return index you need call word.find , not strarray.find . def matchup (strarray, word): index = {} ch in strarray: index[ch] = word.find(ch) # <--- return index (no need use nested loop) usage example: >>> matchup(["a", "b", "c", "d"], "abc...

functional programming - How do I prove that two Fibonacci implementations are equal in Coq? -

i've 2 fibonacci implementations, seen below, want prove functionally equivalent. i've proved properties natural numbers, exercise requires approach cannot figure out. the textbook i'm using have introduced following syntax of coq, should possible prove equality using notation: <definition> ::= <keyword> <identifier> : <statement> <proof> <keyword> ::= proposition | lemma | theorem | corollary <statement> ::= {<quantifier>,}* <expression> <quantifier> ::= forall {<identifier>}+ : <type> | forall {({<identifier>}+ : <type>)}+ <proof> ::= proof. {<tactic>.}* <end-of-proof> <end-of-proof> ::= qed. | admitted. | abort. here 2 implementations: fixpoint fib_v1 (n : nat) : nat := match n | 0 => o | s n' => match n' | o => 1 | s n'' => (fib_v1 n') + (fib_v1 n'') ...

c# - How do I Get a handle on text boxes iv added to the AddUserWizard Control? -

i added text boxes createuserwizard control, when try reference text box code im told not exist. not able wanting do? here c# have been trying use connect text box. works original text boxes, can not seem reference ones added. string value = createuserwizard1.txtboxaddress = //does not work string value = createuserwizard1.txtboxaddress.text = //does not work string value = txtboxaddress.text = //does not work this markup control. iv added few text boxes, specific 1 being labeled txtboxaddress. <asp:createuserwizard id="createuserwizard1" runat="server" backcolor="#f7f6f3" bordercolor="#e6e2d8" borderstyle="solid" borderwidth="1px" finishdestinationpageurl="~/default.aspx" font-names="verdana" font-size="0.8em" visible="false"> <continuebuttonstyle backcolor="#fffbff" bordercolor="#cccccc" borderstyle="solid" borderwidth="1px...

java - System Bars Flash then Disappear on Back in Immersive Sticky mode -

i've read on lot of questions immersive sticky mode on android, cannot find specific answer question. i have read onbackpressed function not working under immersive sticky mode , app goes when imagebutton pressed. i want remain in immersive sticky mode whole duration of app. there no problem when launch new activity, , without shared element transition. however, when go back, system bars appears slide out of view again. happens when stay on activity while. this transition called _trickpage.class: public void setborroringsonclicklistener(view view){ dbhelper.close(); intent intent = new intent(this, _dominoscene.class); startactivity(intent); } and call finish() _trickpage.class _domino.class: findviewbyid( view.onclicklistener(){ @override public void onclick(view v){ dbhelper.close(); finish(); } }); another transition use shared element transition. following inner class of buttonadapter,...

java - get "getDistance" from Location Class and use it in Target Class using an if condition -

//the location class in seperate file package tld; import java.util.*; public class location { private double x; private double y; scanner scan= new scanner(; public location(double x, double y){ x= scan.nextdouble(); y= scan.nextdouble();} public double getx(){ return x;} public double gety(){ return y;} public void setx(double x){ this.x=x;} public void sety(double y){ this.y=y;} public string tostring(){ return "location: x= "+getx()+" ; y= "+gety();} public double getdistance(location l){ double x1=scan.nextdouble(); double y1=scan.nextdouble(); l=new location(x1,y1); return (math.sqrt((math.pow((x-x1),2))+(math.pow((y-y1), 2))));} } . //the target class in seperate file package tld; import java.util.*; public class target{ scanner scan = new scanner(; private location loc; private double speed; private string type; private boolean threat; private int count = 0; public target(double x, double y, double speed){ x=sc...

python - IOError: CRC check failed 0xffca51ff != 0x3679ba0L -

i'm trying run script downloads , generates datasets ubuntu dialogue corpus v2.0, fails following error: unpacking dialogs ... traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 404, in <module> prepare_data_maybe_download(args.data_root) file "", line 267, in prepare_data_maybe_download tar.extractall(path=directory) file "~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 2073, in extractall tarinfo in members: file "~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 2508, in next tarinfo = file "~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 2356, in next tarinfo = self.tarinfo.fromtarfile(self) file "~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 1251, in fromtarfile buf = file "~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 268, in read self._read(readsize) file "~/anaconda/lib/python2.7...

Apache Drill Fails To Query MySQL View With Group By -

i using mysql version: 5.7.8 drill version: 1.7 , 1.8 mysql jdbc connector: mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar i have created view on mysql using following query: create or replace view `mydb`.`customerview` select `cust`.`id` `customer`, `tnt`.`id` `tenant` `mydb`.`customer` cust left join ( select `t`.id id `mydb`.`tenant` t group tnt on `cust`.`tenant`=`tnt`.`id` please note above query purposely written reproduce problem when using group by . in drill have created storage plugin named mydb following configuration: { "type": "jdbc", "driver": "com.mysql.jdbc.driver", "url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306", "username": "xxxx", "password": "xxxx", "enabled": true } when issue following query sqlline.bat on windows: select * mydb.`mydb`.`customerview`; i following error: error: data_read error...

spring - Cascading not saving the reference table data -

cascading not saving details orders table create table orders ( order_id numeric(10,0) not null, test_id numeric(5,0), constraint orders_pkey primary key (order_id), constraint fk_order_user_doneby foreign key (done_by) references user_mast (user_id) match simple on update no action on delete no action } reference table create table refout_order_hdr ( ref_inst_id numeric(8,0), status character varying(1), ref_out_id numeric(10,0) not null, order_id numeric(10,0), constraint "refout_order_pkey primary key (ref_out_id)" primary key (ref_out_id), constraint "ref_out_fkey_order_id order_id)" foreign key (order_id) references orders (order_id) match simple on update no action on delete no action ) there 1 many relation between orders & refrence(order_id) entity class reference /** * */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; private long refoutid; private cdcinstitutes instmast; private ...

google cloud messaging - android - trying to get right to left notification message order in FCM -

lately i've implemented fire-base cloud messaging in project, , every thing works fine! except title , body message in left right order, there hacks can change right left? what guys suggest? edit: current notification looks this but want title , message body right left, and rtl attribute in manifest `android:supportsrtl="false". and current json send fire-base server { "collapse_key" : "demo", "to" :"xyz", "notification" : { "body_loc_key" : "welcome_messages", "body_loc_args":["غلام" , "1500"], "title" : "عنوان متن" }, "data" : { "key1" : "value1", "key2" : "value2" }, "time_to_live" : 3 }

How to use android.widget.Switch inside RadioGroup? -

i'm trying use android.widget.switch inside radiogroup one(1) switch on @ time. i'd searched lot no luck finding answer. questions now: is possible? if yes, implement same way doing tooglebutton inside radiogroup ? ps: reason why don't want use tooglebutton because think switch has better ui.

algorithm - How can I iterate through a two-dimensional array in a snail mode, with a single cycle? -

given two dimensional array , iterate through in snail mode , print out elements using one single cycle . for example if given array is: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 the program should print out: 10 15 20 25 30 31 32 33 34 29 24 19 14 13 12 11 16 21 26 27 28 23 18 17 22 so starting upper-left corner , arriving center of array. here solution 1 loop: it works when matrix is: n >= m #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // int arr[4][3] = {{0, 9, 8} , {1, 10 , 7} , {2, 11, 6} , {3, 4, 5}}; // int n = 4, m = 3; int arr[4][4] = {{0, 11, 10, 9} , {1, 12, 15, 8} , {2, 13, 14, 7} , {3, 4, 5, 6}}; int n = 4, m = 4; int row = 0, col = 0, turn = 0; bool istop = true; for(int nrelem = 0; nrelem <= (n*m); nrelem++) { //this part make left, bottom, right part ( u form ) if((row < n-1-turn) && (col != m-1) && (istop == true)) ...

Function that works as assignment too - -

how can make function in class able support : (kinda assignment) dim ko integer = cell(x,y) and cell(c,y) = 3 kindest regards, adoloul *nota : works in vb, sure, ur turn verify in ur language ok nope don't search anymore, fund using dotnotpearls i have use property setters , getters public property cell(byval x integer, byval y integer) integer return cells(x, y) end set(value integer) cells(x, y) = value end set end property don't remove post, 'should usefull anyone! ;)

java - Invalid content was found starting with element 'Element'. One of 'Element' is expected -

i'm using java's jaxb parser marshal , unmarshal xml files specific class. unmarshaling works fine, however, chokes on marshaling file following error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: invalid content found starting element 'datapath'. 1 of '{" ":datapath}' expected. i don't understand why wouldn't work, cause unmarshaling file works fine. as requested, here mcve: package com.flyingwhales; import org.xml.sax.saxexception; import javax.xml.xmlconstants; import javax.xml.bind.jaxbcontext; import javax.xml.bind.jaxbexception; import javax.xml.bind.marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.unmarshaller; import javax.xml.transform.source; import; import javax.xml.validation.schema; import javax.xml.validation.schemafactory; import javax.xml.validation.validator; import; import; /** * created jes...

java - How to assign random numbers (0-10) to strings stored in a linkedlist -

i title states having trouble assigning random number values string stored in linkedlist . here linkedlist : list<string> genres = new linkedlist<>(); attributes.add("action"); attributes.add("comedy"); attributes.add("documentary"); attributes.add("romance"); attributes.add("drama"); i came this, realised array , not linkedlist : random ran = new random(); string genres_ran = genres[ran.nextint(genres.length)]; i appreciate help, many thanks! if want assign random numbers strings, use map data structure. however, looking @ attempt, seems want random member list. this: string randomgenre = genres.get(new random().nextint(genres.size()));

java - Static context saved in Application class and used in a singleton toast builder, does this create a memory leak? -

i've got singleton toast-showing class, keeps track of current toast , cancels when started again: public enum singletoast { instance; private toast currenttoast; private string currentmessage; public void show(string message, int duration) { if (message.equals(currentmessage)) { currenttoast.cancel(); } currenttoast = toast.maketext(app.getcontext(), message, duration);; currentmessage = message; } } (extended explanation of example can found here: toast issue in android ) the main difference between answer in link , piece of code context, isn't passed parameter. using static context saved in app class, saved @ startup of app: public class app extends application { private static context context; @override public void oncreate() { super.oncreate(); context = getapplicationcontext(); } public static context getcontext() { retu...

python - Projection of 3D convex hull onto xy plane with a colour map -

what i'd @ end smoothed colour map contours plotted on top of it. idea preserve as possible information 3d convex hull. the problem code developed far doesn't work inputs. example if set tricontourf() integer parameter let 8 , provide 10 input files 8 plots ok 2 solid colour. next if change parameter 9 i'll 7 , 3 odd. of ones first step wrong! ideally i'd have parameter fixed @ ~25 colour map smoothed. have @ pictures: this wrong, int parameter = 9 this want smoother, int parameter 8 what important me have triangulation based on convex hull. import matplotlib.pyplot plt import numpy np import sys, os, time, math scipy.spatial import convexhull matplotlib.tri import triangulation import cm # covex hull data , save them array cvx = [] datax = [] filename in sys.argv[1:]: x = np.genfromtxt(filename,delimiter="", skip_header=2) datax.append(x) hull = convexhull(x) cvx.append(hull) idx,filename in enumerate(sy...

Why do a Clojure instant uses a "-" instead of a "+" when describing timezones? -

note in following clojure repl, input instant "+00:00" or "+01:00" describe timezone information repl output produces instant using "-00:00" (utc). user> #inst "2016-11-12t20:33:31.000+00:00" #inst "2016-11-12t20:33:31.000-00:00" user> #inst "2016-11-12t20:33:31.000+01:00" #inst "2016-11-12t19:33:31.000-00:00" is behaviour design? i'm using clojure 1.8.0. found issue explains behaviour: clojure instant expected print time in utc now.

c++ - Unable to build orocos_kdl examples -

i need use orocos_kdl in cpp application. trying build existing orocos_kdl examples not working. i using g++ compile 1 of examples. please see below snippet of terminal- test@test:~/orocos_kinematics_dynamics/orocos_kdl/examples$ g++ -i/home/test/orocos_kinematics_dynamics/orocos_kdl/models -i/usr/local/include/kdl -i/usr/include/eigen3 -l/usr/local/lib -lorocos-kdl chainiksolverpos_lma_demo.cpp -o chainiksolverpos_lma_demo /tmp/cccyvk0v.o: in function `test_inverseposkin(kdl::chain&)': chainiksolverpos_lma_demo.cpp:(.text+0x1da): undefined reference `kdl::chainfksolverpos_recursive::chainfksolverpos_recursive(kdl::chain const&)' chainiksolverpos_lma_demo.cpp:(.text+0x22e): undefined reference `kdl::chainiksolverpos_lma::chainiksolverpos_lma(kdl::chain const&, eigen::matrix<double, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1> const&, double, int, double)' chainiksolverpos_lma_demo.cpp:(.text+0x245): undefined reference `kdl::jntarray::jntarray(unsigned int)' chainikso...