java - System Bars Flash then Disappear on Back in Immersive Sticky mode -

i've read on lot of questions immersive sticky mode on android, cannot find specific answer question.

i have read onbackpressed function not working under immersive sticky mode, app goes when imagebutton pressed.

i want remain in immersive sticky mode whole duration of app. there no problem when launch new activity, , without shared element transition. however, when go back, system bars appears slide out of view again. happens when stay on activity while.

this transition called _trickpage.class:

public void setborroringsonclicklistener(view view){     dbhelper.close();     intent intent = new intent(this, _dominoscene.class);     startactivity(intent); } 

and call finish() _trickpage.class _domino.class:

findviewbyid( view.onclicklistener(){     @override     public void onclick(view v){         dbhelper.close();         finish();     } }); 

another transition use shared element transition. following inner class of buttonadapter, extends baseadapter, object in _submenu activity:

class myonclicklistener implements view.onclicklistener {      private final int position;      public myonclicklistener(int position){         this.position = position;     }      @override     public void onclick(view v) {         ...          //link clicked button _trickpage button shared transition         v.settransitionname("trick");          //make , start shared transition _trickpage         activityoptions options = activityoptions.makescenetransitionanimation(                 (activity)mcontext,                 new pair<view, string>(v, "trick")         );         intent intent = new intent(v.getcontext(), _trickpage.class);         v.getcontext().startactivity(intent, options.tobundle());     } } 

finally, _submenu _trickpage, call finishaftertransition():

    picture.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {             dbhelper.close();             hidemaincontent();             finishaftertransition();         }     }); 

i set ui flags in oncreate() , onresume() methods of activities involved: _submenu, _trickpage, , _dominoscene. have following in each activity:

public void onwindowfocuschanged(boolean hasfocus) {     super.onwindowfocuschanged(hasfocus);     //if (hasfocus)         getwindow().getdecorview().setsystemuivisibility(                 view.system_ui_flag_layout_stable                         | view.system_ui_flag_layout_hide_navigation                         | view.system_ui_flag_layout_fullscreen                         | view.system_ui_flag_hide_navigation                         | view.system_ui_flag_fullscreen                         | view.system_ui_flag_immersive_sticky);      if (hasfocus && playanimations) {         //showmaincontent();         playanimations = false;     } } 

this first time asking question on stack overflow, please ask other parts of code if think there problem there. thanks!

call method on oncreate method every activity(right after setcontentview method). , on onwindowsfocuschanged

public void goimmersive() { getwindow().getdecorview().setsystemuivisibility(                 view.system_ui_flag_layout_stable                         | view.system_ui_flag_layout_hide_navigation                         | view.system_ui_flag_layout_fullscreen                         | view.system_ui_flag_hide_navigation                         | view.system_ui_flag_fullscreen                         | view.system_ui_flag_immersive_sticky); } 


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