google cloud messaging - android - trying to get right to left notification message order in FCM -
lately i've implemented fire-base cloud messaging in project, , every thing works fine!
except title , body message in left right order, there hacks can change right left?
what guys suggest?
edit: current notification looks this
but want title , message body right left,
and rtl attribute in manifest `android:supportsrtl="false".
and current json send fire-base server
{ "collapse_key" : "demo", "to" :"xyz", "notification" : { "body_loc_key" : "welcome_messages", "body_loc_args":["غلام" , "1500"], "title" : "عنوان متن" }, "data" : { "key1" : "value1", "key2" : "value2" }, "time_to_live" : 3 }
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