reactjs - React + react-router + typescript webpack production bundle issue -

i'm building app using react + react-router + redux + typescript + webpack, here's tsconfig.json:

{     "compileroptions": {         "outdir": "./dist/",         "sourcemap": true,         "noimplicitany": true,         "module": "commonjs",         "target": "es6",         "jsx": "react"     },       "files": [         "./src/index.tsx"     ] } 

and webpack.config.js looks like:

var prod = json.parse(process.env.prod_env || '0'); ... module.exports = {     ...     plugins: prod ? [         new webpack.optimize.uglifyjsplugin({             compress: { warnings: false }         })     ] : [],     ...     module: {         loaders: [             // sass loader stylesheet.             { test: /\.scss$/, loaders: ["style", "css", "sass"], exclude: /node_modules/ },             // files '.ts' or '.tsx' extension handled 'ts-loader'.             { test: /\.tsx?$/, loaders: ["babel-loader", "ts-loader"], exclude: /node_modules/ },         ],          preloaders: [             // output '.js' files have sourcemaps re-processed 'source-map-loader'.             { test: /\.js$/, loader: "source-map-loader" }         ]     },     externals: {         "react": "react",         "react-dom": "reactdom",         "react-router": "reactrouter",         "redux": "redux",         "react-redux": "reactredux"     }, } 

now if use webpack bundle, looks fine, if run

prod_env=1 webpack 

to try generate uglified js bundle file, gives me following error compilation message:

error in ./dist/bundle.js uglifyjs syntaxerror: unexpected token: name (approutes) [./src/routes.tsx:8,0] 

any appreciated! thanks.

uglifyjs uses it's own es5 parser. it's quite possible parse , transform babel, parse , transform webpack , still produce source code not going supported uglifyjs's parser.

usually means going whatever loader produced input module sources webpack , making sure es5 compliant. configure {debug: true} uglifyjs plugin , find illegal es5 syntax in bundle.

if loaders produce same output in development , production, can create development bundle , run uglifyjs command line or paste ast explorer , use provided uglify-js parser.

alternatively, might try babili , see how works you.


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