jquery - how manually set a vaule in a select2 which is fed from ajax call - laravel -


i trying set select2 value value fed ajax reqest.

i have tried answers in these 2 threads: one two.

my code:


// blade {!! form::select('author_id', $author_array, @$auth_preset, array('class'=>'', 'id' => 'select_the_author', 'get-byajax' => 'author', 'ajax-target' => '#author_placeholder')) !!} 

// renders html (befere select2 initialization):

(select author...)

my js:

            $("select[get-byajax]").each(function(){             var baseurl = "{{url::to('get_by_ajax/')}}";             var itemkind = $(this).attr("get-byajax");             var readyurl = baseurl + '/' + itemkind;                 $(this).select2({                     ajax: {                     url: readyurl,                      datatype: 'json',                     delay: 250,                     data: function (params) {                         return {                         q: params.term                         };                     },                     processresults: function (data) {                         return {                         results: data                         };                     },                     cache: true                     },                     escapemarkup: function (markup) {return markup; }, // let our custom formatter work                     minimuminputlength: 2                 });             }); 

what have tested:

<a data-set-unknown-author="" class='btn btn-info btn-sm' data-puthere="#new_author" title='nowy autor' data-variation="large"><i class="plus icon"></i><i class="fa fa-plus icon"></i> set select value 24</a>

    $('body').on('click', '[data-set-unknown-author]', function() {          console.log('author 24 jquery works');          // commented commands below  don't work:         // $("#select_the_author").select2().select2('val','24');         // $("#select_the_author").val("24").trigger("change");         // $("#select_the_author").val("24");         // $("#select_the_author").select2("data", { id: 24, text: "unknown" });         // $('#select_the_author').select2('data', {id: 24, a_key: 'unknown'});         // $("#select_the_author").select2('data', { id:"24", text: "unknown"});         // $("#select_the_author").select2().select2('val','24');         // $("#select_the_author").select2("val", "24").trigger("change");         }); 


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