c# - How can I cast XNode to a custom type? -

my linq xml query

xdocument xdoc = xdocument.load("test.xml"); ienumerable<xnode> lv1s = lv1 in xdoc.descendants("resources") select lv1.firstnode; 

which returns list of

<entry>   <key>keyname</key>   <value>valuename</value> </entry> 

how can convert result of query list of following class?

  /// <remarks/>     [system.serializableattribute()]     [system.componentmodel.designercategoryattribute("code")]     [system.xml.serialization.xmltypeattribute(anonymoustype = true)]     [system.xml.serialization.xmlrootattribute(namespace = "", isnullable = false)]     public partial class entry     {          private string keyfield;          private string valuefield;          /// <remarks/>         public string key         {                         {                 return this.keyfield;             }             set             {                 this.keyfield = value;             }         }          /// <remarks/>         public string value         {                         {                 return this.valuefield;             }             set             {                 this.valuefield = value;             }         }     } 

the elements of type xnode, representing elements of xml. cannot cast them, need use new create objects of desired type:

var converted = lv1s.oftype<xelement>().select(lv1 => new entry {     key = lv1.element("key").value ,   value = lv1.element("value").value }); 

filtering xnodes down xelement using oftype<t> lets skip nodes of xml tree not elements, e.g. comments.


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