android - NativeExpressAdView XML attribute adSize was missing -

i trying use nativeexpressadview instead of ad shows

required xml attribute 'adsize' missing

in black background, red-bordered box. adding adunit , adsize adview programmatically this

    <     android:id="@+id/nativeadview"     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="wrap_content"     android:layout_gravity="center"/> 

java code:

nativead = (nativeexpressadview) itemview.findviewbyid(;         int widthindp = context.getresources().getconfiguration().screenwidthdp;         widthindp -= context.getresources().getdimension(r.dimen.activity_horizontal_margin);         nativead.setadunitid(context.getstring(r.string.dummy_ad_unit_id));         nativead.setadsize(new adsize(widthindp, 100));         nativead.loadad(adrequest); 

and adrequest declared follows:

        adrequest = new adrequest.builder()             .addtestdevice(adrequest.device_id_emulator)             .addtestdevice("dd8112531d2b704f33c3b0314744e92b")             .addtestdevice("62f4961171df9f253bc3639f7b9a686b")             .build(); 

i followed tutorial explained in official docs of firebase admob. why cannot show ads in nativeexpressadview while setting ad size dynamically?

it has been solved when added nativeexpressadview programmatically , removed xml follows.

nativead = new nativeexpressadview(this); int widthindp = context.getresources().getconfiguration().screenwidthdp;     widthindp -= context.getresources().getdimension(r.dimen.activity_horizontal_margin); nativead.setadsize(new adsize(widthindp, 250));  nativead.setadunitid("myadunitid");  // create ad request. adrequest.builder adrequestbuilder = new adrequest.builder();  // optionally populate ad request builder. adrequestbuilder.addtestdevice(adrequest.device_id_emulator);  // add nativeexpressadview view hierarchy. layout.addview(nativead);  // start loading ad. nativead.loadad(; 


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