python - Matplotlib plot only updates when windows is closed? -

i wrote following script display simple sine curve update ad infinitum:

#!/usr/bin/env python import seaborn sns import matplotlib.pyplot plt import matplotlib.animation animation import numpy np math import sin n = 0 =[] ns = [] def animate(i):     as.append(sin(n))     ns.append(n)     ax1.plot(np.array(ns),np.array(as))  while true:     fig1 = plt.figure()     ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(1,1,1)     ani1 = animation.funcanimation(fig1, animate, interval=1)     n = n + 0.05 

however line updates (as in changes shape @ all) when try close window, can't find fix - how done? many in advance.

you have change n inside animate add different point - add same point don't see difference. try print(ns) inside animate in code.

import matplotlib.pyplot plt import matplotlib.animation animation math import sin  n = 0 = [] ns = []  # -----  def animate(i):     global n      ns.append(n)     as.append(sin(n))     ax1.plot(ns, as)      n += 0.05  # -----  fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(1,1,1) ani1 = animation.funcanimation(fig1, animate, interval=1) 

btw: can use i

def animate(i):      n = 0.05 *      ns.append(n)     as.append(sin(n))     ax1.plot(ns, as) 


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