angularjs - how to protect my routes using webtoken angular js and node js -

my routing tree

app.config(['$routeprovider', '$httpprovider', function ($routeprovider,                                        $httpprovider) {    $routeprovider  .when("/",{         templateurl:"build/views/home.html"  }) .when("/login",{         templateurl: "build/views/login.html"     }). otherwise({     redirectto: '???' }); }]); 

i want protect home.html .... accessible when login success

app.controller('loginctrl', function ($scope, $http, $window,$location) { $scope.user = {username: '', password: ''}; $scope.isauthenticated = false; $scope.welcome = ''; $scope.message = '';  $scope.submit = function () {     $http         .post('http://localhost:8080/authenticate', $scope.user)         .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {             $window.sessionstorage.token = data.token;             $scope.isauthenticated = true;             var encodedprofile = data.token.split('.')[1];             var profile = json.parse(url_base64_decode(encodedprofile));             $scope.welcome = 'welcome ' + profile.first_name + ' ' + profile.last_name;             $location.path('/');         })         .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {             // erase token if user fails log in             delete $window.sessionstorage.token;             $scope.isauthenticated = false;             $location.path('/login');              // handle login errors here             $scope.error = 'error: invalid user or password';             $scope.welcome = '';         }); }; 

now how make interceptor , protect home.html direct access typing url, localhost:8000/#/ -- should not accessible if logout window.

please ask if more code needed side solve problem you.... posted controller , routes.


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