android - What is so special about Rewarded Video Ads? -
in addition banner ads , interstitial ads, admob provides kind of ads called rewarded video ads. special rewarded video ads? can't attach adopen event handler ordinary banner or interstitial video ad, , reward players there? allowed google?
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rewarded video special because, on average, has higher ecpm (effective cost per mill impressions).
in basic terms:
as publisher (showing ads in games), make more money , cost less uninstalls , bad reviews.
the user chooses watch video, not annoyed involuntary popup. reward @ end, positive experience. means less have negative feelings towards game, leading less uninstalls , less bad reviews.
as advertiser higher quality installs in cost effective manner.
this due fact people seeing ad , installing know more game static image, , therefore users less uninstall game due misleading images or wrong expectations.
you should build separate process rewarded video, follow guide lines here:google forum
and see here chartboost instructions: chartboost documentation
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