numpy - Ensuring positive definite covariance matrix -
the outputs of neural network act entries of covariance matrix. however, 1 one corresponde between outputs , entries results in not positive definite covariance matrices.
thus, read ,, more specificially "when has real entries, l has real entries , factorization may written a = ll^t
now outputs corresponds entries of l matrix , generate covariance matrix multiplying transpose.
however, still have error not positive definite matrix. how possible?
i found matrix produces error, see
print l.shape print sigma.shape s = sigma[1,18,:,:] # matrix gives error l_ = l[1,18,:,:] print l_ s =,np.transpose(l_)) print s chol = np.linalg.cholesky(s)
gives output:
(3, 20, 2, 2) (3, 20, 2, 2) [[ -1.69684255e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ -1.50235415e+00 1.73807144e-04]] [[ 2.87927461 2.54925847] [ 2.54925847 2.25706792]] ..... linalgerror: matrix not positive definite
however, code copying values works fine (but not exact same values because not decimals printed)
b = np.array([[-1.69684255e+00, 0.00000000e+00], [-1.50235415e+00, 1.73807144e-04]]) =,b.t) chol_a = np.linalg.cholesky(a)
so questions are:
- is method of using sigma = ll' correct (with ' transpose)?
- if yes, why getting error? due rounding issues?
edit: computed eigenvalues
print np.linalg.eigvalsh(s) [ -7.89378944432428397703915834426880e-08 5.13634252548217773437500000000000e+00]
and second case
print np.linalg.eigvalsh(a) [ 1.69341869415973178547574207186699e-08 5.13634263409323210680668125860393e+00]
so there slight negative eigenvalue first case, declares non positive definiteness. how solve this?
this looks numerical issue, in general not true ll' positive definite. example take l matrix each column [1 0 0 0 ... 0] (or more extreme - take l 0 matrix of arbitrary dimensionality), ll' won't pd. in general recommend doing
s = ll' + eps
which takes care of both problems (for small eps), , 'regularized' covariance estimate. can go "optimal" (under assumtpions) value of eps using ledoit-wolf estimator.
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