delphi - removing duplicated text inside a string -
i have string got text this
str := 'hi there name vlark , images <img src=""><img src=""> images need controlled <img src=""><img src=""><img src=""><img src="">';
this string have 6 images tags <img
wanted control on tags if string have more 3 images tags leave first 3 , remove rest image tags . couldnt figure out how can in coding
- find position , length of complete enclosed tags:
- if count larger 3, remove tag.
function removeexcessivetags( const s: string): string; var tags,cp,p : integer; begin tags := 0; cp := 1; result := s; repeat cp := pos('<img',result,cp); if (cp > 0) begin // find end of tag p := pos('>',result,cp+4); if (p > 0) begin inc(tags); if (tags > 3) begin // delete tag if more 3 tags delete(result,cp,p-cp+1); end else cp := p+1; // next search start position end else cp := 0; // reached end of string, abort search end; until (cp = 0); end;
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