Javascript regex for Twig templates contents -
i use rich text editor allow online modification of twig templates. twig template engine using following syntax display variables:
{{ }}
it uses functions generate urls, such as:
{{ url('mr_message_read', {id:}) }}
now want display, next editor, list of twig variables and functions used in template. this, retrieve current content html twig "keywords" shown above. extract keywords, use regex below:
var reg = /{{[^}]+}}/g; var match = text.match(reg); console.log( match );
this work work example 1 not example 2, twig function requires } string. so, tried several other syntaxes allow "anything except }}". none of them seem fit:
var reg = /{{[^}]+}}/g; // ignores second example var reg = /{{[^}}]+}}/g; // idem var reg = /{{[^}}]*}}/g; // idem var reg = /{{(^}}+)}}/; // null var reg = /{{(^}})+}}/; // null var reg = /\{\{[^\}\}]+\}\}/g; // ignores second example var reg = /\{\{[^}}]+\}\}/g; // ignores second example var reg = /\{\{[^\}\}]+\}\}/g; // ignores second example var reg = /\{\{[^[}}]]+\}\}/g; // ignores second example
i'm struggling now. guess it's escaping issue, i'm stuck :)
sample content :
<p>{{ author.fullname }} wrote message. read here: <a href="{{ url('mr_message_read', {id:}) }}">messagerie</a>.</p> <hr /> <blockquote> <p>{{ message.content|nl2br }}</p> </blockquote>
edit: solution based on thomas code
function gettwigtags(){ var str = ckeditor.instances['form_content'].getdata(); var regex = /{{\s*([^{]*{([^{]*):\s*(.*?)}.*?|[^{]*)\s*}}/g; var keywords = new array(); let m; while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { // necessary avoid infinite loops zero-width matches if (m.index === regex.lastindex) { regex.lastindex++; } // result can accessed through `m`-variable. m.foreach((match, groupindex) => { if(match !== 'undefined' && groupindex == 1) // console.log(`found match: group ${groupindex}: ${match}`); keywords[keywords.length] = match; }); } return keywords; }
you can use code:
const regex = /{{\s*([^{]*{([^{]*):\s*(.*?)}.*?|[^{]*)\s*}}/g; const str = `{{ url('mr_message_read', {id:}) }} {{ }}`; let m; while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { // necessary avoid infinite loops zero-width matches if (m.index === regex.lastindex) { regex.lastindex++; } // result can accessed through `m`-variable. m.foreach((match, groupindex) => { if(match !== 'undefined' && groupindex > 0) console.log(`found match: group ${groupindex}: ${match}`); }); }
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