c# - How to join two lists and fill a datagridview -

i have 2 list (1st values website, 2nd values .csv file) , i'd join them in list, starting 2 equals values, , display in datagridview.

before post code, i'd tried fill datagridview these 2 lists separately , work.

i didn't error, can't see datagridview values.

i'm going post code , explain it.

first list code:

var url = textbox5.text;         //var url = "http://www.betexplorer.com/soccer/norway/tippeligaen/results/";          var web = new htmlweb();         var doc = web.load(url);          bets = new list<bet>();            // lettura delle righe         var rows = doc.documentnode.selectnodes("//tr");          foreach (var row in rows)         {             if (!row.getattributevalue("class", "").contains("rtitle"))             {                 if (string.isnullorempty(row.innertext))                     continue;                  var rowbet = new bet();                 foreach (var node in row.childnodes)                 {                     var data_odd = node.getattributevalue("data-odd", "");                      if (string.isnullorempty(data_odd))                     {                         if (node.getattributevalue("class", "").contains("first-cell"))                         {                             rowbet.match = node.innertext.trim();                             var matchteam = rowbet.match.split(new[] { " - " }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries);                             rowbet.home = matchteam[0];                             rowbet.host = matchteam[1];                         }                           if (node.getattributevalue("class", "").contains("result"))                         {                             rowbet.result = node.innertext.trim();                             var matchpoints = rowbet.result.split(new[] { ':' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries);                             int help;                             if (int.tryparse(matchpoints[0], out help))                             {                                 rowbet.homepoints = help;                             }                             if (matchpoints.length == 2 && int.tryparse(matchpoints[1], out help))                             {                                 rowbet.hostpoints = help;                             }                          }                           if (node.getattributevalue("class", "").contains("last-cell"))                             rowbet.date = node.innertext.trim();                      }                     else                     {                         rowbet.odds.add(data_odd);                     }                 }                  if (!string.isnullorempty(rowbet.match))                     bets.add(rowbet);             }         } 

second list & combined list code:

 string filename = @"c:\mydir\testcsv.csv";     oledbconnection conn = new oledbconnection            ("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source = " +              path.getdirectoryname(filename) +              "; extended properties = \"text;hdr=yes;fmt=delimited\"");      conn.open();      oledbdataadapter adapter = new oledbdataadapter            ("select * " + path.getfilename(filename), conn);      dataset ds = new dataset("temp");     adapter.fill(ds);      conn.close();      // datatable dt = new datatable();     datatable dt = ds.tables[0];      //datagridview2.datasource = dt;     // datagridview2.datamember = "table";       list<ht> matchlist = new list<ht>();     matchlist = (from datarow dr in dt.rows                    select new ht()                    {                        home = dr["home"].tostring().replace("milan", "ac milan").replace("roma", "as roma"),                        host = dr["host"].tostring().replace("milan", "ac milan").replace("roma", "as roma"),                        scorehome = dr["scorehome"].tostring(),                        scoreaway = dr["scoreaway"].tostring(),                        //segno = dr["segno"].tostring(),                        //odd1 = dr["odd1"].tostring(),                        //oddx = dr["oddx"].tostring(),                        //odd2 = dr["odd2"].tostring()                     }).tolist();       // datagridview2.datasource = matchlist;      var combineddatalist = (from d1 in bets                             //join d2 in datalist2 on d1.home equals d2.home                             join d2 in matchlist on new { d1.home, d1.host } equals new { d2.home, d2.host }                              select new combineddata                             {                                 data = d1.date,                                 home = d1.home,                                 away = d1.host,                                 hsft = d1.homepoints,                                 asft = d1.hostpoints,                                 hsht = d2.scorehome,                                 asht = d2.scoreaway,                                 hodd = d1.odd1,                                 xodd = d1.oddx,                                 aodd = d1.odd2,                                 risfin = d1.risfin,                                 over05sh = d1.over05sh,                                 over05ft = d1.over05ft,                                 over15ft = d1.over15ft,                                 over25ft = d1.over25ft,                                 over35ft = d1.over35ft,                                 over45ft = d1.over45ft                               }).orderby(p => p.hodd);     datagridview2.datasource = combineddatalist; 

thank attention. have fantastic sunday!

edit: delete unnecessary code

edit2: add screen of single list output. let's see:

first list: enter image description here

second list:

enter image description here

so, i'd merge "scorehome" , "scoreaway" second list in first list based on "home" , "host" have in both lists.


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