Error due to Site.Master file - using c# -

i receiving error due site.master file. have made numerous adjustments , still cannot past issue site.master file. have wrong specification perhaps? code executes in microsoft visual studios, when export site files hosted servers run issues.

compiler error message: cs1002: ; expected

line 1365: system.web.ui.webcontrols.listviewdataitem

container; line 1366: system.web.ui.databoundliteralcontrol target;

line 1367: across-america.models.category item;

line 83 "e:\server\user\across-america\site.master"

the error due following:

<asp:listview id="categorylist" itemtype="across-america.models.category" runat="server" selectmethod="getcategories"> 

i have modified temtype="across-america.models.category" remove across-america still error. advice???

c# code error:

<div id="categorymenu" style="text-align: center">            <asp:listview id="categorylist" itemtype="models.category" runat="server" selectmethod="getcategories">         <itemtemplate>             <b style="font-size: large; font-style: normal">                 <a href="/productlist.aspx?id=<%#: item.categoryid %>">                 <%#: item.categoryname %>                 </a>             </b>         </itemtemplate>         <itemseparatortemplate>  |  </itemseparatortemplate>     </asp:listview> </div> 

models class in category.cs:

using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel.dataannotations;  namespace models {     public class category     {         [scaffoldcolumn(false)]         public int categoryid { get; set; }          [required, stringlength(100), display(name = "name")]         public string categoryname { get; set; }          [display(name = "product description")]         public string description { get; set; }          public virtual icollection<product> products { get; set; }     } } 

site.master models reference, towards end of code:

using models; using across-america.logic;  namespace across-america {     public partial class sitemaster : masterpage     {         private const string antixsrftokenkey = "__antixsrftoken";         private const string antixsrfusernamekey = "__antixsrfusername";         private string _antixsrftokenvalue;          protected void page_init(object sender, eventargs e)         {             // code below helps protect against xsrf attacks             var requestcookie = request.cookies[antixsrftokenkey];             guid requestcookieguidvalue;             if (requestcookie != null && guid.tryparse(requestcookie.value, out requestcookieguidvalue))             {                 // use anti-xsrf token cookie                 _antixsrftokenvalue = requestcookie.value;                 page.viewstateuserkey = _antixsrftokenvalue;             }             else             {                 // generate new anti-xsrf token , save cookie                 _antixsrftokenvalue = guid.newguid().tostring("n");                 page.viewstateuserkey = _antixsrftokenvalue;                  var responsecookie = new httpcookie(antixsrftokenkey)                 {                     httponly = true,                     value = _antixsrftokenvalue                 };                 if (formsauthentication.requiressl && request.issecureconnection)                 {            = true;                 }                 response.cookies.set(responsecookie);             }              page.preload += master_page_preload;         }          protected void master_page_preload(object sender, eventargs e)         {             if (!ispostback)             {                 // set anti-xsrf token                 viewstate[antixsrftokenkey] = page.viewstateuserkey;                 viewstate[antixsrfusernamekey] = ?? string.empty;             }             else             {                 // validate anti-xsrf token                 if ((string)viewstate[antixsrftokenkey] != _antixsrftokenvalue                     || (string)viewstate[antixsrfusernamekey] != ( ?? string.empty))                 {                     throw new invalidoperationexception("validation of anti-xsrf token failed.");                 }             }         }          protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {          }         protected void page_prerender(object sender, eventargs e)         {             using (shoppingcartactions usersshoppingcart = new shoppingcartactions())             {                 string cartstr = string.format("cart ({0})", usersshoppingcart.getcount());                 cartcount.innertext = cartstr;             }         }         public iqueryable<category> getcategories()         {             var _db = new models.productcontext();             iqueryable<category> query = _db.categories;             return query;         }         protected void unnamed_loggingout(object sender, logincanceleventargs e)         {             context.getowincontext().authentication.signout(defaultauthenticationtypes.applicationcookie);         }     }  } 


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