javascript - adding json to scope in AngularJS -
i concatenating 2 objects in json , assigning $scope in angularjs. unable same. code given below
// /*global variable*/ var responsedata=[]; var responsedatavalues=[]; var twitch = angular.module("twitch",[]); twitch.controller("liststremers",streamme); function streamme($scope,$http) { var streamers=["esl_sc2", "ogamingsc2", "cretetion", "freecodecamp", "storbeck", "habathcx", "robotcaleb", "noobs2ninjas","comster404","brunofin"]; for(var i=0;i<streamers.length;i++) { $http({ method:"jsonp", url:""+streamers[i], params:{ format: 'json', callback: 'fitdata' } }); $http({ method:"jsonp", url:""+streamers[i], params:{ format: 'json', callback: 'fitdatavalues' } }); } $scope.twitchdata=makejson(responsedatavalues,responsedata); $scope.filstatus={}; $scope.clear=function(){ $scope.filstatus={}; console.log($scope); } } function fitdata(response) { responsedata.push(response); } function fitdatavalues(response) { console.log(response); responsedatavalues.push(response); } function makejson(arr1,arr2) { for(var i=0;i<arr1.length;i++) { arr1[i].stream=arr2[2].stream; if(arr1[i].stream==null&&arr1[i].status==404) { arr1[i].livestatus="offline"; } else if(arr1[i].status==404) { arr1[i].livestatus="dead"; } else { arr1[i].livestatus="online"; } //console.log(arr1[i]); //console.log(arr2[i]); } //console.log(arr1); return arr1; }
in above code in makejson function have create new livestatus,stream property in arr1[i] object , assign value code execute without problem no value assigned arr1 , same assigned $scope in controller. new aj , javascript, please help
this problem because data concatenating, coming http call, asynchronous,before data came through http call, line
got executed both blank array. can either promise resole, or simple way make following changes in code :
function fitdata(response) { responsedata.push(response); if(responsedatavalues.length){ $scope.twitchdata=makejson(responsedatavalues,responsedata); } } function fitdatavalues(response) { console.log(response); responsedatavalues.push(response); if(responsedata.length){ $scope.twitchdata=makejson(responsedatavalues,responsedata); } }
the http call take more time invoke function call both array having values.
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