ios - Objective C NSDictionary: How can I sort my NSDictionary keys based on the key's value -

i have nsdictonary equals following value.

    =     {         order = 3;     };     b =     {         order = 1;     };     c =     {         order = 2;     }; 

i need sort keys a,b , c based on order number least greatest. in example, keys should display following b,c , a. how achieve this?

the order of keys of nsmutabledictionary (a, b, c in case) decided system. have no control of that.

but can use nsmutablearray (not nsarray since immutable, i.e. cannot modified) achieve goal. each element in array separate nsdictionary 2 key-value pairs - 1 key , 1 order, make things simpler.

this code need:

nsmutablearray *arrayofdictionaries = [@[                                          @{ @"key" : @"a", @"order" : @3 },                                          @{ @"key" : @"b", @"order" : @1 },                                          @{ @"key" : @"c", @"order" : @2 },                                          ] mutablecopy];  [arrayofdictionaries sortusingcomparator:^nscomparisonresult(id  _nonnull obj1, id  _nonnull obj2) {      nsnumber *number1 = obj1[@"order"];     nsnumber *number2 = obj2[@"order"];      return [number1 compare:number2]; }];  nslog(@"array = %@", arrayofdictionaries); 

these results, how modified array looks like:

array = (         {         key = b;         order = 1;     },         {         key = c;         order = 2;     },         {         key = a;         order = 3;     } ) 


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