ios - My ImageView's content mode stop working after I draw something on the image -

thanks time.

the image fine before tap image, , image compacted after tap it.

here code:

i not using storyboard, create code, here imageview. , added constraints code well.

    let imageeditingview: uiimageview = {     let imageview = uiimageview()     imageview.contentmode = .scaleaspectfill     imageview.clipstobounds = true     return imageview }()  override func touchesbegan(_ touches: set<uitouch>, event: uievent?) {     if touches.first != nil {         lastpoint = (touches.first?.location(in: imageeditingview))!     } }  override func touchesmoved(_ touches: set<uitouch>, event: uievent?) {     if touches.first != nil {         let currentpoint = touches.first?.location(in: imageeditingview)         drawlines(frompoint: lastpoint, topoint: currentpoint!)          lastpoint = currentpoint!         drawlines(frompoint: lastpoint, topoint: lastpoint)     } }  func drawlines(frompoint: cgpoint, topoint: cgpoint) {     uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(imageeditingview.frame.size)     imageeditingview.image?.draw(in: cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: imageeditingview.frame.width, height: imageeditingview.frame.height))      let context = uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext()     context?.move(to: cgpoint(x: frompoint.x, y: frompoint.y))     context?.addline(to: cgpoint(x: topoint.x, y: topoint.y))     context?.setblendmode(cgblendmode.normal)     context?.setlinecap(cglinecap.round)     context?.setlinewidth(cgfloat(int(120 * linewidthsliderview.value)))     context?.setstrokecolor(red: red / 255, green: green / 255, blue: blue / 255, alpha: 0.01)     context?.strokepath()      imageeditingview.image = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext()     uigraphicsendimagecontext() }     

i not know mean "compacted", guessing image gets corrupted in way because data lost when convert image cgcontext , image.

i don't know how fix this, work around adding cashapelayer sublayer uiimageview, , drawing want there in form of cgpath. syntax similar using right now, , effect might not supported blend mode, might able recreate layer lower alpha value.

here like.

var drawinglayer = cashapelayer() func drawlines(frompoint: cgpoint, topoint: cgpoint) {     let mutable = cgmutablepath()     mutable.move(to: frompoint)     mutable.addline(to: topoint)     drawinglayer.path = mutable     drawinglayer.fillcolor = nil     drawinglayer.linecap = kcalinecapround     drawinglayer.linecap = 120 * cgfloat(linewidthsliderview.value)     //the bit in code translated whole thing int before translating      //cgfloat, bad idea since ints cannot store decimals, if there no      //direct conversion, convert double or float     drawinglayer.strokecolor = uicolor(calibratedred: red/255, green: green/255, blue: blue/255 , alpha: 1).cgcolor  } 

somewhere need imageeditingview.addsublayer(drawinglayer)

also, don't need convert cgpoint cgpoint, when context.move(to:) , other places...


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