codenameone - WebBrowser issue (add infinite progress in web browser) -
it takes couple of seconds load url in webbrowser. takes more time load. how add infinite progress of connectionrequest in webbrowser?
@override protected void postwebview(form f) { webbrowser wb = new webbrowser(); if (businesswebsiteurl != null && !businesswebsiteurl.equals("")) { wb.seturl("http://" + businesswebsiteurl); f.add(, wb); } else { } f.revalidate(); }
what did doesnot work
protected void beforewebview(form f) { ip = new infiniteprogress(); f.add(, flowlayout.enclosecentermiddle(ip)); }
that's inherently problematic since browser peer component , while can paint on top of peers in android still not portable.
even if i'm not sure if idea.
overall have following options:
- place progress indicator above/below browser component
- fetch data separately html progress , set html should instant
- use javascript , potentially
indicate progress within browser component itself
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