user interface - Minimal example of a standalone matlab GUI app -

i have written matlab code antenna design, , make user-friendly gui project others can use easily.

before move actual gui development, overall impression of whether matlab choice gui-based application, in terms of

a) whether it's easy / straightforward create,
b) whether it's possible user use resulting app without matlab licence / installation.

please can provide minimal matlab gui example demonstrating basic concepts of matlab guis me idea of involved, , point me in right direction on how might deploy standalone matlab app, if @ possible?

optional - (opinion based, feel free ignore if feel "opinions" on stackoverflow): appreciate explanatory comments on whether choice in general compared other typical options, or if people advise me migrate matlab language specific purpose of gui apps (and why).

matlab (in opinion) 1 of easiest languages there design guis, since need add ui elements normal figure windows , link standard functions callbacks. there graphical tool create these too, called guide, never bothered because coding hand in first place easy.

here's simple "app" plots spiral, slider control controls scale:

%%%%%% in file myplot.m %%%%% function myplot    %% create initial figure , spiral plot   figure;  axes ('position', [0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.6]);   t = linspace (0, 8*pi, 100);  x = t .* cos(t);  y = t .* sin(t);   plot (x, y);  axis ([-100, 100, -100, 100]);    %% add ui 'slider' element         hslider = uicontrol (                    ...          'style', 'slider',                ...          'units', 'normalized',            ...          'position', [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.1], ...          'min', 1,                         ...          'max', 50,                        ...          'value', 10,                      ...          'callback', {@plotstuff}          ...        );    %% callback function called slider event   function plotstuff (h, event)     n = (h, 'value');     x = n * t .* cos(t);  y = n * t .* sin(t);     plot (x, y);  axis ([-100, 100, -100, 100]);   end end 

enter image description here

regarding second question, there is way create standalone applications users don't have matlab installed, there caveat

a) need matlab compiler toolbox package standalone app, and

b) end-users have install matlab compiler runtime in order code run. (similar how need install java runtime in order run java code).

if neither of above dealbrakers you, yes, matlab suitable , straightforward option gui app.

ps1: useful link:
ps2: octave behind matlab's gui capabilities, , should avoid nested functions callbacks, otherwise new qt interface has come ui elements functionality too. simple guis, octave should work , worth trying (and free, open, more deployable, , actually looks nicer in opinion too).


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