swift - UITableView Pagination without JSON or XML -

how add pagination property uitableview without json or xml? don't understand code:

override func scrollviewwillenddragging(scrollview: uiscrollview, withvelocity velocity: cgpoint, targetcontentoffset: unsafemutablepointer<cgpoint>) {     if scrollview == tableview {         if ((scrollview.contentoffset.y + scrollview.frame.size.height) >= scrollview.contentsize.height) {             if !isnewdateloading {                 if helperinstance.isconnectedtonetwork() {                     isnewdateloading = true                     getnewdate()                 }             }         }     } } 

in this article. helperinstance, isconnectedtonetwork, , getnewdate?

i want tableview this: pagination tableview or lazy loding


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