r - rvest scraping data from a button style tag? -

following more delving scraping data off sites. trying pull data off of site seatgeeks few columns. i'm having trouble accessing pricing , link data specifically. following code runs can't accurate data pricing , links. 65$ keeps repeating though numbers different per button. ideas? appreciate help!

#ticket scruber library(rvest)  tix_link = paste("https://seatgeek.com/new-york-knicks-tickets#events") tix_info = tix_link %>% read_html() %>%   html_nodes(".event-listing-title span") link_date = read_html(tix_link) link_date = html_nodes(link_date, ".event-listing-date") link_time = read_html(tix_link) link_time = html_nodes(link_time, ".event-listing-time") link_price = read_html(tix_link) link_price = html_node(link_price, ".event-listing-button") link_info = read_html(tix_link) link_info = html_node(link_info, "span")     #convert data frame ticket_deals = data.frame(deals = html_text(tix_info),                           date = html_text(link_date),                           time = html_text(link_time),                           price = html_text(link_price),                           correpsonding_link = html_attr(link_info,"href"))  head(ticket_deals)                                        deals                                 date 1       dallas mavericks @ new york knicks \n                nov 14             2        detroit pistons @ new york knicks \n                nov 16             3          atlanta hawks @ new york knicks \n                nov 20             4 portland trail blazers @ new york knicks \n                nov 22             5      charlotte hornets @ new york knicks \n                nov 25             6  oklahoma city thunder @ new york knicks \n                nov 28                                                     time                                      price 1 \n                mon  7:30 pm             \n                    $65             2 \n                wed  7:30 pm             \n                    $65             3 \n                sun 12:00 pm             \n                    $65             4 \n                tue  7:30 pm             \n                    $65             5 \n                fri  7:30 pm             \n                    $65             6 \n                mon  7:30 pm             \n                    $65               correpsonding_link 1               <na> 2               <na> 3               <na> 4               <na> 5               <na> 


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