c# - How to prevent Xamarin.Forms.Entry Keyboard to be Unfocused when Pressing a Button -
i making chat functionality, , how xaml snippet looks like:
<stacklayout grid.row="1" orientation="horizontal" heightrequest="50"> <entry x:name="chatfield" text="{binding currentmessagetext}" placeholder="{binding messagetextplaceholder}" horizontaloptions="fillandexpand"/> <button text="send" backgroundcolor="transparent" command="{binding sendmessagecommand}"/> </stacklayout>
i have entry control , button control binded command sends text in chatfield.
and want mimic chat apps standard wherein pressing send button not unfocus or hides keyboard.
unfortunately, right when press send button - automatically unfocus keyboard entry cell.
initial steps made prevent this, on viewmodel sendmessagecommand have:
var chatentry = currentpage.findbyname<entry>("chatfield"); chatentry.focus();
but makes weird behaviour of pushing list view up.
had solved using custom renderer on ios:
public class chatentryviewrenderer : entryrenderer { protected override void onelementpropertychanged(object sender, system.componentmodel.propertychangedeventargs e) { if (e.propertyname == visualelement.isfocusedproperty.propertyname) { if (control != null) { var chatentryview = this.element chatentryview; control.shouldendediting = (uitextfield textfield) => { return !chatentryview.keepopen; // keepopen custom property added , set on viewmodel if want entry keyboard kept open set true. }; } } base.onelementpropertychanged(sender, e); } }
what uses control's shouldendediting event triggers when edittext loses focus or if keyboard unfocused.
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