ios - execute function after function is not working swift 3 -
this function want execute after downloading details , function whcih update uielements after downloading. function inside "currentweather.swift"
func downloadweatherdetails(completed: ( () -> () )){ // tell alimofire download let currentweatherurl = url(string: current_weather_url)! alamofire.request(currentweatherurl).responsejson{ response in let result = response.result if let dict = result.value as? dictionary<string, anyobject>{ if let name = dict["name"] as? string{ self._cityname = name.capitalized print(self._cityname) } if let weather = dict["weather"] as? [dictionary<string, anyobject>]{ if let main = weather[0]["main"] as? string{ self._weathertype = main.capitalized print(self._weathertype) } } if let main = dict["main"] as? dictionary<string, anyobject>{ if let currenttemperature = main["temp"] as? double { let kelvintofarenhitepredevision = (currenttemperature * (9/5) - 459.67 ) let kelvintofarenhite = double(round(10 * kelvintofarenhitepredevision/10)) self._currenttemp = kelvintofarenhite print(self._currenttemp) } } } } completed() }
and function update uiemelents
func updatemainui(){ datelabel.text = currenttemplabel.text = "\(currentweather.currenttemp)" currentweathertypelabel.text = currentweather.weathertype locationlabel.text = currentweather.cityname currentweatherimage.image = uiimage(named: currentweather.weathertype) }
and call them on override func viewdidload()
override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() tableview.delegate = self tableview.datasource = self currentweather.downloadweatherdetails { () -> () in self.updatemainui() } }
now when executing not updating ui data printing them inside console
can me issue
you calling completed()
before request completed.
completed() //<- need call completion handler inside closure. } //completed() //<- called before completion }
i haven't checked other parts of code, @ least need fix this.
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