c - Makefile Executable Error -

i have following makefile:

all: test.c test1.c     gcc -o test test.c -lm     gcc -o test1 test1.c     ./test 1000 input.txt 

i getting error ./test 1000 input.txt make: *** [run] error 255. makefile correct?

./test 1000 input.txt make: *** [run] error 255 

this doesn't mean wrong makefile. means ./test program ran exited status 255.

you haven't showed test.c, i'm assuming didn't write return 255;. since exit status 8 bits, it's possible (incorrectly) wrote return -1. it's possible (incorrectly) omitted return statement main leads undefined behavior, , -1 happens in return value register (eax on x86).

you should always enable compiler warnings. force correct them, these warnings (which indicate broken code) should cause compilation fail well.

cflags = -wall -wextra -werror  test: test.c         $(cc) $(cflags) -o $@ $^ 


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