What does this specific .cmd file do? -

i need cmd file following content:

@echo off /f "tokens=1,4 delims= " %%a in ('dir e:\ /t:c^|findstr /i /l "v"') echo %%a %%b echo on pause 

i can't figure out does.

can me?

i know output, don't know why gives me output.

here output. didn't want post @ first because windows german, sorry:

 datenträger in laufwerk e: ist volume  volumeseriennummer: 1ab8-6911   verzeichnis von e:\  22.09.2015  09:09                 0 282ba90118a5f80716 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 32f0961d6cc71b3c51bdc6 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 4f1ab9edc5ed58c95f344fd2bc84a6ec 02.02.2016  10:56    <dir>          ada200fdfcff43bdf47cf363ddf8 22.09.2015  09:08    <dir>          besitzer 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 bf5f62260169474da0ec9df993590745 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 de9afd1afa67ed193d0adb16010b54 10.10.2016  20:29    <dir>          importafter 01.12.2006  22:37           904.704 msdia80.dll 03.10.2016  15:27    <dir>          myxampp 08.09.2015  16:20    <dir>          schule 08.09.2015  16:20    <dir>          spiele                6 datei(en),        904.704 bytes                6 verzeichnis(se), 865.948.643.328 bytes frei 

the .cmd file gives me output:

datenträger e: volumeseriennummer: verzeichnis 6 bytes 

but why?

i explain batch code command command in order of execution line:

for /f "tokens=1,4 delims= " %%a in ('dir e:\ /t:c^|findstr /i /l "v"') echo %%a %%b 

first executed command is:

dir e:\ /t:c 

this command according output running in command prompt window dir /? outputs files , directories in root directory of drive e: displaying creation date because of /t:c instead of last modification date default.

the files , directories output on ntfs (new technology file system) formatted drives sorted alphabetically because ntfs sort important here.

on fat16, fat32 , exfat drives files , directories listed unsorted stored in file allocation table (fat). therefore usage of dir parameter /o:n additionally needed list sorted name drive independent on file system.

the output of command dir written stdout redirected stdin of console application findstr further processing using pipe redirection operator |. see microsoft technet article using command redirection operators details.

| should interpreted redirection operator on execution of

dir e:\ /t:c | findstr /i /l "v" 

done command for.

to achieve necessary escape | putting ^ left of it. command interpreter cmd.exe on parsing command line interprets | literal character , not redirection operator because of ^ before.

if | have been used instead of ^| within for command line windows command interpreter exit execution of batch file on line because of syntax error redirection operator | invalid in middle of for command line. error message on german respectively english windows:

english:   | unexpected @ time.
german: "|" ist syntaktisch dieser stelle nicht verarbeitbar.

running in command prompt window findstr /? outputs of standard windows console application. usage of /i makes search case-insensitive. , /l tells findstr interpret search string "v" literal string , not regular expression. findstr should output lines containing either v or v.

for posted output of dir means findstr outputs:

 datenträger in laufwerk e: ist volume  volumeseriennummer: 1ab8-6911  verzeichnis von e:\                6 verzeichnis(se), 865.948.643.328 bytes frei 

the output of command dir filtered findstr next processed line line command for.

the for parameters "tokens=1,4 delims= " explained in output running for /? in command prompt window result in splitting each line several strings using space character separator strings.

the first string should assigned loop variable a being specified next on for command line.

the fourth string should assigned next loop variable b according ascii table.

loop variables case-sensitive because of feature assign multiple strings multiple loop variables.

all other space separated strings line of no interest , therefore ignored.

this additional line filtering command for results in output:

datenträger e: volumeseriennummer: verzeichnis 6 bytes 

but quite clear output not code designed originally.

for reason let assume for command line

  • is written english windows instead of german windows
    (with germany selected country in windows region settings determines date/time output format dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm),
  • root directory of drive e: contains @ least 1 file or directory containing v or v being of interest batch code writer,
  • the files , directories output sorted name (by ntfs) and
  • output creation date instead of last modification date.

so command dir e:\ /t:c outputs:

 volume in drive e  volume serial number 1ab8-6911   directory of e:\  22.09.2015  09:09                 0 282ba90118a5f80716 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 32f0961d6cc71b3c51bdc6 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 4f1ab9edc5ed58c95f344fd2bc84a6ec 02.02.2016  10:56    <dir>          ada200fdfcff43bdf47cf363ddf8 22.09.2015  09:08    <dir>          besitzer 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 bf5f62260169474da0ec9df993590745 06.10.2015  09:07                 0 de9afd1afa67ed193d0adb16010b54 10.10.2016  20:29    <dir>          importafter 01.12.2006  22:37           904.704 msdia80.dll 03.10.2016  15:27    <dir>          myxampp 08.09.2015  16:20    <dir>          schule 08.09.2015  16:20    <dir>          spiele 13.11.2016  12:53    <dir>          veryimportantdirectory                6 file(s)        904.704 bytes                7 dir(s)  865.948.639.232 bytes frei 

this output filtered findstr /i /l "v" is:

 volume in drive e  volume serial number 1ab8-6911 13.11.2016  12:53    <dir>          veryimportantdirectory 

and 3 lines filtered next command for outputs:

volume e volume 13.11.2016 veryimportantdirectory 

it can supposed first 2 lines not of interest , last line of interest original batch code writer.

the batch code written getting output:

the creation date , name of files/directories containing v in case.


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