mysql - Inserting reservation record to php database -

i have created reservation form housing. user fills form out , submits it. reservation record supposed made inserted reservations table.

this code being inserted database record

$reservationstable = "reservations"; $r1 = (rand(11111,99999));  createreservationrecord($reservationstable, [$r1, $date,$dormrecord[id], $_post["cwid"], $_post["firstname"], $_post["lastname"], $_post["class"], $_post["gender"], $_post["fullyequippedkitchen"], $_post["laundry"], $_post["specialneeds"]]); 

these functions transform data:

 function createrecord($table, $values) {     echo "this working";     return insertinto($table, ["name","class","specialneeds","laundry","fullyequippekkitchen","roomsavailable","roomsreserved","roomcapacity"], $values);  }  function createreservationrecord($table, $values) {     echo "<br> in createreservationrecord(), table \"$table\", values ".print_r ($values)."\n<br>";     return insertinto($table, ["id","reservationtime","ra_id","cwid","firstname","lastname","class", "gender","kitchen", "laundry", "specialneeds"], $values); }  function insertinto($table, $columns, $values) {     $sql = "insert $table (" . implode(", ", $columns) . ") values (" . implode(", ", $values) . ")";     echo "inserting new record sql statement: $sql\n<br>";     return query($sql); } 

when use print_r($values) check array of values returns 1. i'm not sure why data being inserted being read wrong.

change here , use tick in cumn , single quotes in values

   $sql = "insert $table (`" . implode("`, `", $columns) . "`) values ('" . implode("', '", $values) . "')"; 


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