java - SAXParseException - The entity "szlig" was referenced, but not declare. Error by XML validation? -

please helm me.

i have xml string validating. , sometimes, document not pass validation. because there word "weiß". how fix , other similar errors? understand swears on letter "ß". strange behavior, first time error thrown, second time, same line valid. use xerces library.

org.xml.sax.saxparseexception; linenumber: 19; columnnumber: 17; entity "szlig" referenced, not declare 


    schemafactory factory = new xmlschemafactory();  try {     inputstream stream = thread.currentthread().getcontextclassloader().getresourceasstream(wtconstants.xsd_validator);      if (xmlstring.startswith("\ufeff")) {     xmlstring = xmlstring.substring(1);// remove bom     }      schema schema = factory.newschema(new streamsource(stream));     validator validator = schema.newvalidator();     validator.validate(new streamsource(new stringreader(xmlstring))); } catch (saxexception | ioexception e) {     logger.error("validation error: ", e);     isxmlvalid = false; } 


try add below code or replace ß character ß in xml. should work you.

<!doctype definition [ <!entity szlig "&#223;"> ]> 

general solution

you can use doctype declaration refers mathml dtd or local copy of same :

<!doctype math      public "-//w3c//dtd mathml 3.0//en"            ""> 

this dtd have entity references.


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