html - Can you use if/else statements to style divs in erb? -
sorry if terribly asked; first post on here. using erb ruby on rails , want know if can make background-color of div differ based on user selection. looked online , couldn't find answer. new , still trying learn how search.
<div class="row"> <% @stores.each |store| %> <div class="col s12 m6"> <% if store.color = 'red' %> <% profile_color = 'red' %> <% elsif store.color = 'blue' %> <% profile_color = 'blue' %> <% elsif store.color = 'green' %> <% profile_color = 'green' %> <% elsif store.color = 'orange' %> <% profile_color = 'orange' %> <% end %> <div class="card <%= profile_color %> center"> <div class="card-content white-text"> <span class="card-title"> <%= %> </span> <h6>owner: <%= store.owner %> </h6> <h6>location: <%= store.location %> </h6> </div> <div class="card-action" > <%= link_to 'visit store', store_departments_path(store) %> <%= link_to 'edit', edit_store_path(store) %> <%= link_to 'delete', store_path(store), method: :delete, data: {confirm: 'really delete?'} %> </div> </div> </div> <% end %> </div>
i use form asks user color , pic drop down type string. have checked , @store.color storing color , everything.
the problem profile_color
defined in scope of each if
when reach class attribute nil, see if's aren't doing more assign same value, can change:
<div class="card <%= profile_color %> center">
to use store.color
<div class="card <%= store.color %> center">
and remove if's
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