excel - VBA Sub or function not defined error in while calling public/private sub in a Class -

i have vba script below:

sub button_click () ' ' < code > '      call findstrings (strfolder, nothing) end sub  public sub findstrings(strfolder string, optional wkssheet worksheet = nothing) ' ' < code> '      call processfolder(strfolder, strindent, varstrings, varmatchesfound, varfilenames, lngfoldercount, lngfilecount)  end sub  private sub processfolder(strfolder string, byref strindent string, byref varstrings variant, byref varmatchesfound variant, byref varfilenames variant, byref lngfoldercount long, lngfilecount long) ' ' < code> ' call processfile(objfile.path, strindent, varstrings, varmatchesfound, varfilenames)  end sub  private sub processfile(strfullpath string, byref strindent string, byref varstrings variant, byref varmatchesfound variant, byref varfilenames variant) ' ' < code> ' end sub 

currently, button_click , findstrings in module , processfolder , processfile in class.

when run button_click sub-routine, throws error:

sub or function not defined

the error occurs in on call processfolder... line in findstrings.

i have searched many issues relating error sub or function not defined , tried implement changes answers suggest rectify error, not working.

any regarding error , how rectify appreciated.

if calling methods within class within module need instantiate class new keyword. refer class methods dot notation.

a general example be:

'module public sub foo()     dim o class1     set o = new class1     o.bar end sub  'class1 public sub bar()     msgbox "hello world" end sub 

which means example do:

'module sub button_click () '< code >      call findstrings (strfolder, nothing) end sub  public sub findstrings(strfolder string, optional wkssheet worksheet = nothing) ' < code>      dim o yourclass      set o = new yourclass      o.processfolder(strfolder, strindent, varstrings, varmatchesfound, varfilenames, lngfoldercount, lngfilecount)  end sub  'yourclass public sub processfolder(strfolder string, byref strindent string, byref varstrings variant, byref varmatchesfound variant, byref varfilenames variant, byref lngfoldercount long, lngfilecount long) ' < code>     call processfile(objfile.path, strindent, varstrings, varmatchesfound, varfilenames)  end sub  private sub processfile(strfullpath string, byref strindent string, byref varstrings variant, byref varmatchesfound variant, byref varfilenames variant) ' < code> end sub 

note that:

  • in findstrings need create new instance of yourclass
  • in yourclass processfolder sub-routine needs public


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