c# - Dictionary<TEntity, string> and asp.net mvc how to? -
i have:
public class nomenclature { public virtual int nomenclatureid { get; set; } public virtual nomenclaturetype nomenclaturetype { get; set; } public virtual idictionary<nomenclatureattribute, string> attributes { get; set; } } public class nomenclaturetype { public virtual int nomenclaturetypeid { get; set; } public virtual string name { get; set; } public virtual icollection<nomenclature> nomenclatures { get; set; } public virtual icollection<nomenclatureattribute> nomenclatureattributes { get; set; } public nomenclaturetype() { nomenclatures = new hashset<nomenclature>(); nomenclatureattributes = new hashset<nomenclatureattribute>(); } } public class nomenclatureattribute { public virtual int nomenclatureattributeid { get; set; } public virtual string attributename { get; set; } public virtual string attributetype { get; set; } public virtual nomenclaturetype nomenclaturetype { get; set; } }
it's represents nomenclature of goods in application. i'am tryin create new nomenclature in app. use nhibernate. create controller , create action:
[httpget] public actionresult create(string nomenclaturetype) { if (nomenclaturetype == null) return redirecttoaction("list", "nomenclature"); viewdata["nomenclatureattributes"] = _repositorynomenclaturetype.get(w => w.name == nomenclaturetype).nomenclatureattributes.tolist(); return view(); } [httppost] public iactionresult create(nomenclature nomenclature) { try { if (modelstate.isvalid) { _repositorynomenclature.create(nomenclature); return redirecttoaction("list", "nomenclature"); } } catch (exception) { modelstate.addmodelerror("", "unable save changes. " + "try again, , if problem persists see system administrator."); } return view(nomenclature); }
i need foreach nomenclatureattrributes specified nomenclature type , create editors values , add model.attributes.
@model nomenclature @{ viewbag.title = "new nomenclature"; layout = "_layout"; } @using (html.beginform()) { @html.antiforgerytoken() <div class="form-horizontal"> @html.validationsummary(true) @foreach (var in (list<nomenclatureattribute>)viewdata["nomenclatureattributes"]) { <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-md-2">@a.attributename</label> <div class="col-md-10"> **what should place this???** </div> </div> } <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10"> <input type="submit" value="create" class="btn btn-default" /> </div> </div> </div> }
i use asp.net core web application (.net framework)
first create viewmodel.
public class createnomenclatureviewmodel { //add other properties if needed public nomenclaturetype selectednomenclaturetype { get; set; } public list<nomenclatureattribute> attributes { get; set;} }
[httpget] public actionresult create(string nomenclaturetype) { if (nomenclaturetype == null) return redirecttoaction("list", "nomenclature"); var viewmodel= new createmomenclatureviewmodel { attributes = _repositorynomenclaturetype.get(w => w.name == nomenclaturetype).nomenclatureattributes.tolist() } return view(viewmodel); }
than fix view
@model createnomenclatureviewmodel @{ viewbag.title = "new nomenclature"; layout = "_layout"; } @using (html.beginform()) { @html.antiforgerytoken() <div class="form-horizontal"> @html.validationsummary(true) @if (model != null && model.attributes != null) { (int = 0; < model.attributes.count; i++) { <div class="form-group"> @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.attributes [i].attributename) @html.textboxfor(modelitem => model.attributes [i].attributetype ) </div> } <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10"> <input type="submit" value="create" class="btn btn-default" /> </div> </div> </div> }
if want use nomenclature viewmodel can create new nomenclature on method pass view in razor view.
<div class="form-group"> @html.displayfor(modelitem => model.attributes.keys.elementat(i).attributename) @html.textboxfor(modelitem => model.attributes.keys.elementat(i).attributetype ) </div>
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