eclipse - Not seeing a full stack trace from Java Error -
this question has answer here:
background: making simulator 1 of college classes , rather large project.
issue: however, whenever type "i" or "c" (details shown in code) arrayindexoutofboundsexception exception java.lang (not custom handler) without any stack trace, , therefore cannot locate problem.
/** * creates world , starts loop of commands */ public void run() { if(configfile == null) {system.exit(0);} initworld(); if(world == null) { system.out.println("unable read config file."); return; } world.print(); scanner reader = new scanner(; string line = reader.nextline(); while(canrun()) { if(line.equals("p")) { world.print(); } else if(line.equals("c")) { world.turn(); species.printinfo(); steps++; if(steps % 50 == 0) { species.printsummary(50); } } else if(line.equals("r")) { species.printstatus(); } if(line.equals("i")) { world.turn(); steps++; if(steps % 50 == 0) { species.printsummary(50); } } else { line = reader.nextline(); } } world.print(); species.printsummary(-1); if(this.steps >= this.maxsteps) system.out.println("simulation ended because turn limit reached."); else if(getpopulationofworld() == 0) system.out.println("simulation ended because of species died."); else if(getchangesinpaststeps() == 0) system.out.println("simulation ended because there no changes in last 50 turns."); } public void turn() { int cursteps = this.getsteps(); system.out.println("current steps: " + cursteps); if(species.getdeaths().size() == cursteps) { species.getdeaths().add(new arraylist<integer>()); for(int = 0; < species.getspecies().size(); i++) { species.getdeaths().get(cursteps).add(0); } } if(species.getbirths().size() == cursteps) { species.getbirths().add(new arraylist<integer>()); for(int = 0; < species.getspecies().size(); i++) { species.getbirths().get(cursteps).add(0); } } system.out.println("begin turning!"); for(int = 0; < board.size(); i++) { list<cell> row = board.get(i); for(int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) { cell cell = row.get(j); if(cell.getanimal() != null) { cell.getanimal().activity(); } if(cell.getplant() != null) { cell.getplant().activity(); } } } steps++; }
try use try catch
public void run() { if(configfile == null) {system.exit(0);} initworld(); if(world == null) { system.out.println("unable read config file."); return; } world.print(); scanner reader = new scanner(; string line = reader.nextline(); while(canrun()) { try { if(line.equals("p")) { world.print(); } else if(line.equals("c")) { world.turn(); species.printinfo(); steps++; if(steps % 50 == 0) { species.printsummary(50); } } else if(line.equals("r")) { species.printstatus(); } if(line.equals("i")) { world.turn(); steps++; if(steps % 50 == 0) { species.printsummary(50); } } else { line = reader.nextline(); } } catch(exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); // or print full stack trace on log file } } world.print(); species.printsummary(-1); if(this.steps >= this.maxsteps) system.out.println("simulation ended because turn limit reached."); else if(getpopulationofworld() == 0) system.out.println("simulation ended because of species died."); else if(getchangesinpaststeps() == 0) system.out.println("simulation ended because there no changes in last 50 turns.");
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