ios - How to get value of UnsafeMutableRawPointer? -
i'm trying address pointed unsafemutablerawpointer, i'm unable so. i'm new swift might missing or doing wrong. preferably cast raw value cchar.
note passers-by: of answer won't make sense, doesn't answer initial question above, rather question(s) arose in chat op.
took me few hours, i've learned assembly, can answer questions.
c char
... literally. representschar
type ofc
. it'stypealias
. it's single byte. can't use pointer type, 8 bytes (on 64 bit machines).you don't need
boilerplate, , certainly don''t need access raw value. can pass arrays directly pointers expected.when function declared taking unsafepointer argument, can accept of following: ...
- a [type] value, passed pointer start of array.
you experiencing issues mutation of
did not seem reflected on swift side. issue here you're writing @ offset of 8 bytes,print(a.load(as: void_star.self))
reading first byte. you're reading byte never modified.
i did further exploration. here's loot adventure:
@_silgen_name("incrementbyvalue") func incrementbyvalue(_: int64) @_silgen_name("incrementbyreference") func incrementbyreference(_: inout int64) @_silgen_name("return1234") func return1234() -> int64 @_silgen_name("incrementelements") func incrementelements(of _: unsaferawpointer, count _: int) var a: int64 = 100 print("\"a\" before \"incrementbyvalue(a)\": \(a)") incrementbyvalue(a) print("\"a\" after \"incrementbyvalue(a)\": \(a)\n") var b: int64 = 200 print("\"b\" before \"incrementbyvalue(b)\": \(b)") incrementbyreference(&b) print("\"b\" after \"incrementbyvalue(b)\": \(b)\n") print("return1234() returned: \(return1234())\n") var array: [int64] = array(0...5) print("\"array\" before incrementelements(of: array, count: array.count): \n\t\(array)") incrementelements(of: array, count: array.count) print("\"array\" after incrementelements(of: array, count: array.count): \n\t\(array)\n")
.text .globl _incrementbyvalue .globl _incrementbyreference .globl _return1234 .globl _incrementelements // test routine demonstrates operating on value _incrementbyvalue: // %rdi contains copy of argument passed in. // changes here won't reflected in swift incq %rdi ret // test routine demonstrates operating on reference _incrementbyreference: // %rdi contains reference tp argument passed in. // changes reference won't reflected in swift, // changes referenced memory will. incq (%rdi) ret // test routine demonstrates use of %rax returning value _return1234: movq $1234, %rax // return value in rax ret //a test routine demonstrates operating on array _incrementelements: // %rdi: pointer first of n int64 elements // %rsi: array count, n movq %rsi, %rcx // set loop counter (%rcx) n aloop: incq (%rdi) // increment value pointer %rdi add $8, %rdi // advance pointer 8 bytes loop aloop // loop aloop if rcx > 0 ret
compile, link , run with:
llvm-g++ -c exampleasm.s && swiftc -c exampleswift.swift && ld exampleasm.o exampleswift.o -o examplebinary -force_load /applications/ -framework corefoundation -macosx_version_min 10.12.0 -syslibroot /applications/ -lobjc -lsystem -arch x86_64 -l /applications/ -rpath /applications/ -no_objc_category_merging && ./examplebinary
"a" before "incrementbyvalue(a)": 100 "a" after "incrementbyvalue(a)": 100 "b" before "incrementbyvalue(b)": 200 "b" after "incrementbyvalue(b)": 201 return1234() returned: 1234 "array" before incrementelements(of: array, count: array.count): [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] "array" after incrementelements(of: array, count: array.count): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
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