scala - ScalaTest: Suites are being executed but no test cases are actually running? -

i using latest version of play framework, along following test dependencies build.sbt file:

"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.0", "" % "scalatestplus-play_2.11" % "2.0.0-m1" 

i have base specification of test cases extend from. return future[assertion] in each 1 of clauses, looks this:

trait basespec extends asyncwordspec testsuite oneserverpersuite mustmatchers paralleltestexecution 

an example spec looks this:

"put /v1/user/create" should {     "create new user" in {       wsclient         .url(s"http://localhost:${port}/v1/user")         .put(json.obj(           "name" -> "username",           "email" -> "email",           "password" -> "hunter12"         )).map { response => response.status must equal(201) }     } } 

i decided rewrite current tests using asyncwordspec provided newer version of scalatest, when run test suite, output get:

[info] usercontrollerspec: [info] put /v1/user/create [info] application - applicationtimer demo: starting application @ 2016-11-13t01:29:12.161z. [info] application - applicationtimer demo: stopping application @ 2016-11-13t01:29:12.416z after 1s. [info] application - applicationtimer demo: stopping application @ 2016-11-13t01:29:12.438z after 0s. [info] application - applicationtimer demo: stopping application @ 2016-11-13t01:29:12.716z after 0s. [info] application - applicationtimer demo: stopping application @ 2016-11-13t01:29:13.022z after 1s. [info] scalatest [info] run completed in 13 seconds, 540 milliseconds. [info] total number of tests run: 0 [info] suites: completed 4, aborted 0 [info] tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0 [info] no tests executed. [info] passed: total 0, failed 0, errors 0, passed 0 [success] total time: 20 s, completed nov 12, 2016 8:29:13 pm 

all of test classes found, built, , seemingly run test runner when invoking sbt test. have tried using idea test runner, , reports empty test suite under each 1 of test classes. have exhaustively attempted rtfm cannot see doing wrong. synchronous versions of tests running totally fine.

edit 1: friend suggested attempt doing whenready() { /* clause */ } on future[wsresponse], has failed.


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