angularjs - Intellij constantly compiles TypeScript (very slow) - How to stop this behavior? -

i in process of migrating angular 1.x project vanilla js typescript. however, experiencing extremely slow response times ide.constant compiling of many files

if uncheck "track changes" in settings > languages & frameworks > typescript, compilation stops--but in position ts doesn't compile!

of course, configure gulp file , set watcher recompiles files on change. but, if possible, avoid need run gulp each project. also, more importantly, unchecking "track changes" removes ts specific advice , appears break references.

track changes: checked - help + references help + references

track changes: unchecked - no + references broken no + references broken

question #1:

is possible configure intellij such compiles changed files?

question #2:

why intellij compiling so many files? here copy of tsconfig.json:

{   "compileroptions": {     "module": "system",     "noimplicitany": false,     "removecomments": true,     "preserveconstenums": true,     "outfile": "build/local/tsc.js",     "sourcemap": true,     "typeroots": [       "./node_modules/@types",       "./typings"     ],     "moduleresolution": "node"   },    "exclude": [     "client/src/node_modules",     "**/*.spec.ts",     "src/bower_components",     "client/src/bower_components",     "client/src/node_modules",     "build",     "saved_html",     "site-ideas",     "node_modules",     "client/typings"   ] } 

note despite setting node_modules ignored directory, compiler still reaching in there. enter image description here.

question 1:

intellij saves files pretty frequently. typescript compiles when file saved. therfore, should disable or limit autosave.

question 2:

i dont know why excluding files doesn't work you, suggest rather include "rootdir": "./yoursourcedir" exclude other files.


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