angular2 routing - Angular 2.1.2 (SystemJS) Can't resolve all parameters for AppComponent -

i getting error @ app startup

error: (systemjs) can't resolve parameters appcomponent: (?, ?, ?).     error: can't resolve parameters appcomponent: (?, ?, ?).         @ compilemetadataresolver.getdependenciesmetadata (         @ compilemetadataresolver.gettypemetadata (         @ compilemetadataresolver.getdirectivemetadata (         @ eval (         @ array.foreach (native)         @ compilemetadataresolver._getentrycomponentsfromprovider (         @ eval (         @ array.foreach (native)         @ compilemetadataresolver.getprovidersmetadata (         @ eval (     error loading http://localhost:3000/app/main.ts         @ compilemetadataresolver.getdependenciesmetadata (         @ compilemetadataresolver.gettypemetadata (         @ compilemetadataresolver.getdirectivemetadata (         @ eval (         @ array.foreach (native)         @ compilemetadataresolver._getentrycomponentsfromprovider (         @ eval (         @ array.foreach (native)         @ compilemetadataresolver.getprovidersmetadata (         @ eval (     error loading http://localhost:3000/app/main.ts 

here code


import { ngmodule }       '@angular/core'; import { browsermodule }  '@angular/platform-browser'; import { formsmodule }   '@angular/forms'; import { httpmodule,requestoptions }    '@angular/http';  /* app root */ import { appcomponent }   './app.component';  /* routing module */ import { approutingmodule } './app.routing.module';  import {     platformlocation,     location,     locationstrategy,     hashlocationstrategy,     pathlocationstrategy,     app_base_href}  '@angular/common';   import {componentref, enableprodmode, } '@angular/core'; import {authservice} '../login/auth.service'; import {routenames,customrequestoptions} '../shared/services/index';  @ngmodule({   imports: [ browsermodule,  approutingmodule, formsmodule, httpmodule,              approutingmodule, ],   exports: [ formsmodule, httpmodule ],   declarations: [ appcomponent, ],   bootstrap:    [ appcomponent, [       approutingmodule,       { provide: requestoptions, useclass: customrequestoptions },       { provide: locationstrategy, useclass: hashlocationstrategy },       //provide(app_base_href, {usevalue: location.pathname}),       authservice,       httpmodule,        routenames     ]    ] }) export class appmodule { } 


import { ngmodule }             '@angular/core'; import { routes, routermodule } '@angular/router';  import { homecomponent} '../home/home.component'; import { appcomponent }   './app.component'; import { authguard, logincomponent }  '../login/auth.index';  export const routes: routes = [     { path: '', component: appcomponent },        { path: 'home',  component: homecomponent, canactivate: [authguard] }, ];  @ngmodule({   imports: [routermodule.forroot(routes)],   exports: [routermodule] }) export class approutingmodule {} 


import { component }       '@angular/core'; //,provide, oninit import { router  } '@angular/router'; //  import { dialogservice, dialogcomponent, routenames} "../shared/services/index"; import { authservice,logincomponent }  '../login/auth.index';  @component({   selector: 'my-app',    templateurl: 'app/appshell/app.component.html',   styleurls: ['app/appshell/app.component.css'], }) export class appcomponent {    title  = {};    constructor(               public _auth: authservice,                public router: router,               private _routenames:routenames               ) {        => this.title  = n);               }      onlogout() {     this._auth.logout();     this.router.navigate(['/login']);   }    onhome() {     this.router.navigate(['/home']);   } } 


import { platformbrowserdynamic } '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { appmodule } './appshell/app.module'; platformbrowserdynamic().bootstrapmodule(appmodule); 


(function(global) {    var ngver = '@2.1.2'; // lock in angular package version; not let float current!   var routerver = '@3.1.2'; // lock router version    //map tells system loader things   var  map = {     'app':                        'app',     // angular bundles     '@angular/core': '' + ngver,     '@angular/common': '' + ngver,     '@angular/compiler': '' + ngver,     '@angular/platform-browser': '' + ngver,     '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic': '' + ngver,     '@angular/http': '' + ngver,     '@angular/router': '' + routerver,     '@angular/forms': '' + ngver,     '@angular/upgrade': '' + ngver,      // other libraries     'rxjs':                       '',     'angular-in-memory-web-api':  '', // latest     'ts':                         '',     'typescript':                 '',   };    //packages tells system loader how load when no filename and/or no extension   var packages = {     'app':                        { main: 'main.ts',  defaultextension: 'ts' },     'rxjs':                       { defaultextension: 'js' },     'angular2-in-memory-web-api': { main: 'index.js', defaultextension: 'js' },   };    var ngpackagenames = [     'common',     'compiler',     'core',     'http',     'forms',     'platform-browser',     'platform-browser-dynamic',     'upgrade',   ];    // add package entries angular packages   ngpackagenames.foreach(function(pkgname) {     // bundled (~40 requests):     //packages['@angular/'+pkgname] = { main: '/bundles/' + pkgname + '.umd.js', defaultextension: 'js' };   });    var config = {     transpiler: 'ts',     meta: {       'typescript': {         "exports": "ts"       }     },     map: map,     packages: packages   };    system.config(config);    // bootstrap `appmodule`(previously in `app/main.ts` this)   function bootstrap() {      // stub out `app/main.ts` system.import('app') doesn't fail if called in index.html     system.set(system.normalizesync('app/main.ts'), system.newmodule({ }));      // bootstrap , launch app (equivalent standard main.ts)     promise.all([       system.import('@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'),       // in index.html system.import('app/main').then().catch()       system.import('app/app.module')     ])     .then(function (imports) {       var platform = imports[0];       var app      = imports[1];       platform.platformbrowserdynamic().bootstrapmodule(app.appmodule);     })     .catch(function(err){ console.error(err); });   }  })(this); 

what did miss here?


import {injectable} '@angular/core'; import {subject} 'rxjs/rx';  @injectable() export class routenames{   public name = new subject(); } 

change app.module to:

@ngmodule({   imports: [ browsermodule,  approutingmodule, formsmodule, httpmodule,              approutingmodule, ],   // exports: [ formsmodule, httpmodule ],   declarations: [ appcomponent, ],   bootstrap:    [ appcomponent ],    providers: [       { provide: requestoptions, useclass: customrequestoptions },       { provide: locationstrategy, useclass: hashlocationstrategy },       //provide(app_base_href, {usevalue: location.pathname}),       authservice,       routenames     ]    ] }) export class appmodule { } 


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