javascript - setInterval for input slider does not work properly -

my code house smoke coming out chimney. tthe smoke controlled setinterval function connects slider on html page suppose control speed @ smoke blows out when move slider, restarts smoke function.

how set slider control speed of smoke?

here code:

/*      draws each floor of canvas.  */  function drawfloor() {      ctx.fillstyle = "white";      ctx.fillrect(0, 250, 500, 250);  }  /*      draws front side of house.  */  function drawfront() {      ctx.fillstyle = "#91aeac";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,256);	//tip      ctx.lineto(325,350); 	//mid-right      ctx.lineto(319,400);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(250,387); 	//bot-left      ctx.lineto(230,325); 	//mid-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws side of house.  */  function drawside() {      ctx.fillstyle = "#6f978f";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(325,350);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(412,325); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(400,375);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(319,400);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws chimney of house.  */  function drawchimney() {      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(308,217);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(337,213); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(337,250);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(312,250);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8eb0af";      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws roof of house.  */  function drawroof() {      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e2f35";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(278,244);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(370,221); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(425,324);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(334,350);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();      // draw left line of roof @      ctx.linewidth=10;      ctx.strokestyle = "#c55463";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,250); //top      ctx.lineto(220,336); //bot      ctx.stroke();      // draw right line of roof @      ctx.linewidth=10;      ctx.strokestyle = "#c55463";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,245); //top      ctx.lineto(330,352); //bot      ctx.stroke();  }  /*      draws door of house.  */  function drawdoor(){      // draws top of door      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(278, 351, 19, 0, math.pi*2, true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#c18459";      ctx.fill();      // draws bottom of door      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(265,389);	//bot-left      ctx.lineto(258.5,349); 	//top-left      ctx.lineto(297,350);  	//top-right      ctx.lineto(295,395);  	//bot-right      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#c18459";      ctx.fill();      // draws door knob      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(288, 363, 4, 0, math.pi*2, true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "	#5f371f";      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws window of house.  */  function drawwindow() {;      ctx.shadowcolor="white";      ctx.shadowblur = 20;      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,277);	//tip      ctx.lineto(288,300); 	//right      ctx.lineto(275,325);  	//bot      ctx.lineto(260,301);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#f9f2c5";      ctx.fill();      ctx.restore();  }  /*      draws christmas tree.  */  function drawtree() {      /*      // tree top      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(129,280);	//tip      ctx.lineto(179,415); 	//right      ctx.lineto(90,419);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e9d2a";      ctx.fill();      // tree trunk      ctx.fillstyle = "#a7673b";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(124,417);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(150,415); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(148,427);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(128,428);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();      */      // tree top 1      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(135,350);	//tip      ctx.lineto(179,415); 	//right      ctx.lineto(90,419);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e9d2a";      ctx.fill();      // tree top 2      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(135,320);	//tip      ctx.lineto(179,385); 	//right      ctx.lineto(90,385);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e9d2a";      ctx.fill();      // tree trunk      ctx.fillstyle = "#a7673b";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(124,417);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(150,415); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(148,427);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(128,428);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draw candy cane.  */  function drawcandy() {      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.strokestyle = "#c72828";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=8;      ctx.moveto(200,435);      ctx.beziercurveto(205,405,220,420,220,460);      ctx.stroke();      ctx.closepath();  }  /*      draws snowman in background.  */  function drawsnowman() {      // snowman body      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(80,250,20,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#d8d8d8";      ctx.fill();      // snowman head      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(80,222,13,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#d8d8d8";      ctx.fill();      // snowman hat      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.strokestyle="#f06140";      ctx.rect(78,200,5,5);      ctx.stroke();      ctx.strokestyle = "#ff4444";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=5;      ctx.moveto(70,210); //top      ctx.lineto(92,210); //bot      ctx.stroke();      // snowman left eye      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(76,220,2,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#000000";      ctx.fill();      // snowman right eye      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(84,220,2,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#000000";      ctx.fill();      // snowman left hand      ctx.strokestyle = "#854b24";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=3;      ctx.moveto(45,235); //top      ctx.lineto(62,243); //bot      ctx.stroke();      // snowman right hand      ctx.strokestyle = "#854b24";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=3;      ctx.moveto(113,235); //top      ctx.lineto(98,243); //bot      ctx.stroke();  }  /*      draws falling snow.  */  function drawsnow() {      (var = 0; < 10; i++) {          ctx.beginpath();          ctx.arc(math.floor(math.random()*(500)), math.floor(math.random()*(500))                  , math.random() + 0.7, 0, 2*math.pi);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";          ctx.fill();      }  }  /*      draws stars in sky.  */  function drawstars() {;      ctx.shadowcolor="white";      ctx.shadowblur = 10;        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(55,115,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(90,90,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(100,30,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(120,48,0.4,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(133,100,0.8,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(150,80,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(224,155,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(250,50,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(290,100,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(400,100,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(430,111,1.2,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(444,48,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(450,155,0.6,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(480,120,0.6,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();      ctx.restore();  }  var canvas = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[0]; //get canvas dom object  var ctx = canvas.getcontext("2d"); //get context  /*      create objects g make smoke.      each object placed off screen, , shadows      remain on screen.  */  var = {   //create object of smoke      x:621,  //x value      y:250,  //y value      r:13    //radius  }  var b = {   //create object b of smoke      x:595,      y:190,      r:13  }  var c = {   //create object c of smoke      x:605,      y:180,      r:13  }  var d = {   //create object d of smoke      x:620,      y:210,      r:13  }  var e = {   //create object e of smoke      x:610,      y:170,      r:10  }  var f = {   //create object f of smoke      x:610,      y:250,      r:8  }  var g = {   //create object g of smoke      x:650,      y:200,      r:8  }  /*      draws components on canvas.  */  var redraw = function(){      // draw smoke;      ctx.shadowcolor="#808080";      ctx.shadowblur = 40;      ctx.shadowoffsetx = -300;      ctx.clearrect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //clear canvas      ctx.beginpath();  //draw object c      ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, a.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.fillstyle = "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.4)";      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object b      ctx.arc(b.x, b.y, b.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object c      ctx.arc(c.x, c.y, c.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object d      ctx.arc(d.x, d.y, d.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object e      ctx.arc(e.x, e.y, e.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object f      ctx.arc(f.x, f.y, f.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object g      ctx.arc(g.x, g.y, g.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();      ctx.restore();        drawstars();      drawfloor();      drawfront();      drawside();      drawchimney();      drawroof();      drawdoor();      drawwindow();      drawtree();      drawsnowman();      drawsnow();      drawcandy();      requestanimationframe(redraw);  }  /*      increases each smoke component in size , moves canvas.      returns each 1 specified position , size after reaches      specified point above canvas.  */  function move(){      a.y -= 8;   // move circle canvas      a.r += 2;   // increase circle in size      if (a.y < -100) {             // if circle reaches position, returns specified position          //   , size          a.y = 195;  // returns position          a.r = 13;   // returns size      }      b.y -= 8;      b.r += 2;      if (b.y < -200) {          b.y = 195;          b.r = 13;      }      c.y -= 8;      c.r += 2;      if (c.y < -300) {          c.y = 195;          c.r = 13;      }      d.y -= 8;      d.r += 2;      if (d.y < -250) {          d.y = 195;          d.r = 13;      }      e.y -= 8;      e.r += 2;      if (e.y < -200) {          e.y = 195;          e.r = 10;      }      f.y -= 8;      f.r += 2;      if (f.y < -220) {          f.y = 200;          f.r = 10;      }      g.y -= 8;      g.r += 2;      if (g.y < -250) {          g.y = 195;          g.r = 10;      }  }  redraw();  setinterval(move, 100); // initial animation before slider used  /*      uses slider output determine how animate executed.      reverses number when user positions slider right,      code executed more (faster smoke); likewise, when      positioned left, executed less (slower smoke).  */  function outputupdate(counter) {      var canvas = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[0]; //get canvas dom object      var ctx = canvas.getcontext("2d"); //get context      /*          create objects g make smoke.          each object placed off screen, , shadows          remain on screen.      */      var = {   //create object of smoke          x:621,  //x value          y:250,  //y value          r:13    //radius      }      var b = {   //create object b of smoke          x:595,          y:190,          r:13      }      var c = {   //create object c of smoke          x:605,          y:180,          r:13      }      var d = {   //create object d of smoke          x:620,          y:210,          r:13      }      var e = {   //create object e of smoke          x:610,          y:170,          r:10      }      var f = {   //create object f of smoke          x:610,          y:250,          r:8      }      var g = {   //create object g of smoke          x:650,          y:200,          r:8      }      /*          draws components on canvas.      */      var redraw = function(){          // draw smoke;          ctx.shadowcolor="#808080";          ctx.shadowblur = 40;          ctx.shadowoffsetx = -300;          ctx.clearrect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //clear canvas          ctx.beginpath();  //draw object c          ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, a.r, 0, math.pi*2);          ctx.fillstyle = "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.4)";          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fill();            ctx.beginpath();  //draw object b          ctx.arc(b.x, b.y, b.r, 0, math.pi*2);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fill();            ctx.beginpath();  //draw object c          ctx.arc(c.x, c.y, c.r, 0, math.pi*2);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fill();            ctx.beginpath();  //draw object d          ctx.arc(d.x, d.y, d.r, 0, math.pi*2);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fill();            ctx.beginpath();  //draw object e          ctx.arc(e.x, e.y, e.r, 0, math.pi*2);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fill();            ctx.beginpath();  //draw object f          ctx.arc(f.x, f.y, f.r, 0, math.pi*2);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fill();            ctx.beginpath();  //draw object g          ctx.arc(g.x, g.y, g.r, 0, math.pi*2);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fill();          ctx.restore();            drawstars();          drawfloor();          drawfront();          drawside();          drawchimney();          drawroof();          drawdoor();          drawwindow();          drawtree();          drawsnowman();          drawsnow();          requestanimationframe(redraw);      }      /*          increases each smoke component in size , moves canvas.          returns each 1 specified position , size after reaches          specified point above canvas.      */      function move(){          a.y -= 8;   // move circle canvas          a.r += 2;   // increase circle in size          if (a.y < -100) {                 // if circle reaches position, returns specified position              //   , size              a.y = 195;  // returns position              a.r = 13;   // returns size          }          b.y -= 8;          b.r += 2;          if (b.y < -200) {              b.y = 195;              b.r = 13;          }          c.y -= 8;          c.r += 2;          if (c.y < -300) {              c.y = 195;              c.r = 13;          }          d.y -= 8;          d.r += 2;          if (d.y < -250) {              d.y = 195;              d.r = 13;          }          e.y -= 8;          e.r += 2;          if (e.y < -200) {              e.y = 195;              e.r = 10;          }          f.y -= 8;          f.r += 2;          if (f.y < -220) {              f.y = 200;              f.r = 10;          }          g.y -= 8;          g.r += 2;          if (g.y < -250) {              g.y = 195;	              g.r = 10;          }      }      redraw();      document.queryselector('#speed').value = counter;      setinterval(function(){ move() }, (200-counter));  }
body {      padding-left: 2em;  }  canvas {      border: 1px solid grey;      background-color: #4a6485;      display: block;  }  #fakelinks {      position: relative;      color: blue;      font-family: arial;      top: -10;      left: -25;  }  span {      color: black;  }  #icon {      position: relative;      top: 12;      left: -5;  }  #setspeed {      position: relative;      top:0;      left:180;      right:0;      bottom:1000;  }  #speed {      color: white;  }  #info {      position: relative;      top:0;      left:0;      right:0;      bottom:0;  }
<!-- stars or snow; separate function  smoke - not work range?; stars behind smoke; rid of range #  -->  <html lang="en">  <head>      <title>smoke</title>      <div id="fakelinks">        <img id="icon" src="images/houseicon.png" alt="houseicon">vancouver, bc         <span>></span> housing <span>></span> rent</div>        <h2>get out of cold , stay @ our winter vacation rental!</h2>        <div class="wrapper">          <canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>          <input id="setspeed" type="range" min="0" max="200" value="100"              oninput="outputupdate(value)" name="sliderinput"/>          <output for="setspeed" id="speed" name="slideroutput"></output>        </div>      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/house.css">  </head>  <!--commented out use in snippet     <script src="house.js"></script>  -->  <body onload="drawsnow()">      <div id ="info">          <p>everything completed. have working fireplace , electricity.</p>          <p>there no major challenges in construction of house.</p></br>          <p>for more information please contact: </p>          <p> </p>          <p></p>      </div>  </body>  </html>

in outputupdate() re-define huge number of variables, along move() , redraw() functions. difference in re-defined redraw() don't call drawcandy(). ridiculous way whatever trying redefining these. i'm not sure is. if wanting not call drawcandy() pass argument, or set global variable. don't duplicate code. duplicating code causing significant problems.

the problem having setinterval() not clearing interval prior setting new interval updates @ different rate. results in creating large number of interval timers bog down cpu. solve this, used brute force method of creating global variable moveintervalid store interval id, , called clearinterval() prior both setinterval() calls.

i moved drawing smoke own function.

var moveintervalid;    /*      draws each floor of canvas.  */  function drawfloor() {      ctx.fillstyle = "white";      ctx.fillrect(0, 250, 500, 250);  }  /*      draws front side of house.  */  function drawfront() {      ctx.fillstyle = "#91aeac";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,256);	//tip      ctx.lineto(325,350); 	//mid-right      ctx.lineto(319,400);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(250,387); 	//bot-left      ctx.lineto(230,325); 	//mid-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws side of house.  */  function drawside() {      ctx.fillstyle = "#6f978f";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(325,350);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(412,325); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(400,375);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(319,400);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws chimney of house.  */  function drawchimney() {      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(308,217);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(337,213); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(337,250);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(312,250);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8eb0af";      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws roof of house.  */  function drawroof() {      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e2f35";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(278,244);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(370,221); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(425,324);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(334,350);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();      // draw left line of roof @      ctx.linewidth=10;      ctx.strokestyle = "#c55463";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,250); //top      ctx.lineto(220,336); //bot      ctx.stroke();      // draw right line of roof @      ctx.linewidth=10;      ctx.strokestyle = "#c55463";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,245); //top      ctx.lineto(330,352); //bot      ctx.stroke();  }  /*      draws door of house.  */  function drawdoor(){      // draws top of door      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(278, 351, 19, 0, math.pi*2, true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#c18459";      ctx.fill();      // draws bottom of door      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(265,389);	//bot-left      ctx.lineto(258.5,349); 	//top-left      ctx.lineto(297,350);  	//top-right      ctx.lineto(295,395);  	//bot-right      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#c18459";      ctx.fill();      // draws door knob      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(288, 363, 4, 0, math.pi*2, true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "	#5f371f";      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draws window of house.  */  function drawwindow() {;      ctx.shadowcolor="white";      ctx.shadowblur = 20;      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(275,277);	//tip      ctx.lineto(288,300); 	//right      ctx.lineto(275,325);  	//bot      ctx.lineto(260,301);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#f9f2c5";      ctx.fill();      ctx.restore();  }  /*      draws christmas tree.  */  function drawtree() {      /*      // tree top      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(129,280);	//tip      ctx.lineto(179,415); 	//right      ctx.lineto(90,419);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e9d2a";      ctx.fill();      // tree trunk      ctx.fillstyle = "#a7673b";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(124,417);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(150,415); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(148,427);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(128,428);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();      */      // tree top 1      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(135,350);	//tip      ctx.lineto(179,415); 	//right      ctx.lineto(90,419);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e9d2a";      ctx.fill();      // tree top 2      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(135,320);	//tip      ctx.lineto(179,385); 	//right      ctx.lineto(90,385);  	//left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#8e9d2a";      ctx.fill();      // tree trunk      ctx.fillstyle = "#a7673b";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.moveto(124,417);	//top-left      ctx.lineto(150,415); 	//top-right      ctx.lineto(148,427);  	//bot-right      ctx.lineto(128,428);  	//bot-left      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();  }  /*      draw candy cane.  */  function drawcandy() {      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.strokestyle = "#c72828";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=8;      ctx.moveto(200,435);      ctx.beziercurveto(205,405,220,420,220,460);      ctx.stroke();      ctx.closepath();  }  /*      draws snowman in background.  */  function drawsnowman() {      // snowman body      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(80,250,20,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#d8d8d8";      ctx.fill();      // snowman head      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(80,222,13,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#d8d8d8";      ctx.fill();      // snowman hat      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.strokestyle="#f06140";      ctx.rect(78,200,5,5);      ctx.stroke();      ctx.strokestyle = "#ff4444";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=5;      ctx.moveto(70,210); //top      ctx.lineto(92,210); //bot      ctx.stroke();      // snowman left eye      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(76,220,2,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#000000";      ctx.fill();      // snowman right eye      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(84,220,2,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#000000";      ctx.fill();      // snowman left hand      ctx.strokestyle = "#854b24";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=3;      ctx.moveto(45,235); //top      ctx.lineto(62,243); //bot      ctx.stroke();      // snowman right hand      ctx.strokestyle = "#854b24";      ctx.beginpath();      ctx.linewidth=3;      ctx.moveto(113,235); //top      ctx.lineto(98,243); //bot      ctx.stroke();  }  /*      draws falling snow.  */  function drawsnow() {      (var = 0; < 10; i++) {          ctx.beginpath();          ctx.arc(math.floor(math.random()*(500)), math.floor(math.random()*(500))                  , math.random() + 0.7, 0, 2*math.pi);          ctx.closepath();          ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";          ctx.fill();      }  }  /*      draw smoke  */  function drawsmoke() {      // draw smoke;      ctx.shadowcolor="#808080";      ctx.shadowblur = 40;      ctx.shadowoffsetx = -300;      ctx.clearrect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //clear canvas      ctx.beginpath();  //draw object c      ctx.arc(a.x, a.y, a.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.fillstyle = "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.4)";      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object b      ctx.arc(b.x, b.y, b.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object c      ctx.arc(c.x, c.y, c.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object d      ctx.arc(d.x, d.y, d.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object e      ctx.arc(e.x, e.y, e.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object f      ctx.arc(f.x, f.y, f.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();  //draw object g      ctx.arc(g.x, g.y, g.r, 0, math.pi*2);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fill();      ctx.restore();  }  /*      draws stars in sky.  */  function drawstars() {;      ctx.shadowcolor="white";      ctx.shadowblur = 10;        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(55,115,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(90,90,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(100,30,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(120,48,0.4,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(133,100,0.8,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(150,80,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(224,155,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(250,50,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(290,100,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(400,100,1,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(430,111,1.2,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(444,48,0.5,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(450,155,0.6,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();        ctx.beginpath();      ctx.arc(480,120,0.6,0,math.pi*2,true);      ctx.closepath();      ctx.fillstyle = "#ffffff";      ctx.fill();      ctx.restore();  }  var canvas = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[0]; //get canvas dom object  var ctx = canvas.getcontext("2d"); //get context  /*      create objects g make smoke.      each object placed off screen, , shadows      remain on screen.  */  var = {   //create object of smoke      x:621,  //x value      y:250,  //y value      r:13    //radius  }  var b = {   //create object b of smoke      x:595,      y:190,      r:13  }  var c = {   //create object c of smoke      x:605,      y:180,      r:13  }  var d = {   //create object d of smoke      x:620,      y:210,      r:13  }  var e = {   //create object e of smoke      x:610,      y:170,      r:10  }  var f = {   //create object f of smoke      x:610,      y:250,      r:8  }  var g = {   //create object g of smoke      x:650,      y:200,      r:8  }  /*      draws components on canvas.  */  function redraw(){      drawsmoke();      drawstars();      drawfloor();      drawfront();      drawside();      drawchimney();      drawroof();      drawdoor();      drawwindow();      drawtree();      drawsnowman();      drawsnow();      drawcandy();      requestanimationframe(redraw);  }     /*      increases each smoke component in size , moves canvas.      returns each 1 specified position , size after reaches      specified point above canvas.  */  function move(){      a.y -= 8;   // move circle canvas      a.r += 2;   // increase circle in size      if (a.y < -100) {             // if circle reaches position, returns specified position          //   , size          a.y = 195;  // returns position          a.r = 13;   // returns size      }      b.y -= 8;      b.r += 2;      if (b.y < -200) {          b.y = 195;          b.r = 13;      }      c.y -= 8;      c.r += 2;      if (c.y < -300) {          c.y = 195;          c.r = 13;      }      d.y -= 8;      d.r += 2;      if (d.y < -250) {          d.y = 195;          d.r = 13;      }      e.y -= 8;      e.r += 2;      if (e.y < -200) {          e.y = 195;          e.r = 10;      }      f.y -= 8;      f.r += 2;      if (f.y < -220) {          f.y = 200;          f.r = 10;      }      g.y -= 8;      g.r += 2;      if (g.y < -250) {          g.y = 195;          g.r = 10;      }    }  redraw();  clearinterval(moveintervalid);  moveintervalid = setinterval(move, 100); // initial animation before slider used  /*      uses slider output determine how animate executed.      reverses number when user positions slider right,      code executed more (faster smoke); likewise, when      positioned left, executed less (slower smoke).  */  function outputupdate(counter) {      document.queryselector('#speed').value = counter;      clearinterval(moveintervalid);      moveintervalid = setinterval(move, (200-counter));   }
body {      padding-left: 2em;  }  canvas {      border: 1px solid grey;      background-color: #4a6485;      display: block;  }  #fakelinks {      position: relative;      color: blue;      font-family: arial;      top: -10;      left: -25;  }  span {      color: black;  }  #icon {      position: relative;      top: 12;      left: -5;  }  #setspeed {      position: relative;      top:0;      left:180;      right:0;      bottom:1000;  }  #speed {      color: white;  }  #info {      position: relative;      top:0;      left:0;      right:0;      bottom:0;  }
<!-- stars or snow; separate function  smoke - not work range?; stars behind smoke; rid of range #  -->  <html lang="en">  <head>      <title>luong, jessica | qin, ashley</title>      <div id="fakelinks">        <img id="icon" src="images/houseicon.png" alt="houseicon">vancouver, bc         <span>></span> housing <span>></span> rent</div>        <h2>get out of cold , stay @ our winter vacation rental!</h2>        <div class="wrapper">          <canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>          <input id="setspeed" type="range" min="0" max="200" value="100"              oninput="outputupdate(value)" name="sliderinput"/>          <output for="setspeed" id="speed" name="slideroutput"></output>        </div>      <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/house.css">  </head>  <!--commented out use in snippet     <script src="house.js"></script>  -->  <body onload="drawsnow()">      <div id ="info">          <p>everything completed. have working fireplace , electricity.</p>          <p>there no major challenges in construction of house.</p></br>          <p>for more information please contact: </p>          <p> </p>          <p></p>      </div>  </body>  </html>


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