FASM - Boot sector on USB don't work -
in first, sorry bad english, i'm french. @ moment, learn asm fasm test boot sector programming.
i have make simple boot program, have compiled , write boot.bin in first sector of usb.
but when boot on pc or in virtualbox, drive isn't found....
boot sector code:
;======================================================================= ; simpliest 1.44 bootable image shoorick ;) ;======================================================================= _bs equ 512 _st equ 18 _hd equ 2 _tr equ 80 ;======================================================================= org 7c00h jmp start nop ;===================================================== db "he-he os"; ; 8 dw _bs ; b/s db 1 ; s/c dw 1 ; rs db 2 ; fats dw 224 ; rde dw 2880 ; db 0f0h ; media dw 9 ; s/fat dw _st ; s/t dw _hd ; h dd 0 ; hs dd 0 ; -- db 0 ; drv db 0 ; -- db 29h ; ebr dd 0 ; sn db "no name "; ; 11 db "fat12 "; ; 8 ;===================================================== start: mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov cx,count mov si,hello mov bx,7 mov ah,0eh @@: lodsb int 10h loop @b xor ah,ah int 16h int 19h hello db "hi! disk-invalid!" count = $ - hello ;======================================================================= rb 7e00h-2-$ db 055h,0aah ;=======================================================================
this code provide examples of fasm's website.
there couple of reasons why bootloader wont work:
- the bootloader not in first sector of usb/floppy/etc.
- the bootloader not exactly 512 bytes long
- you missing 0xaa55 signature @ last 2 bytes of bootloader
in example assume have wrong bootloader size ( not 512 bytes )
try replacing
rb 7e00h-2-$ db 055h,0aah
times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0xaa55
this ensures file 512 bytes long , has required bootloader signature
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