html - How do I select one of 5 child elements which has a unique class name in XPath? -
in linked screenshot below, it's rating out of 5. if 1 star rating given user. html looks this:.
however, if let's 4 star rating given html looks this:
i want user rating "1" or "4" repsctively in screenhots above.
so far have got this:
.//td[@class='review-rating-header seat_comfort']/following-sibling::td[@class='review-rating-stars stars']//span[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' fill ')]
this selects "1" rows though user ratings maybe "2", "3", "4" or "5".
i'm web scraping way, if helps.
any ideas on how desired xpath element?
if want last span
class fill
, try
span[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' fill ')][last()]
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