Save and show an image in android studio -

i want know how can save , show image in image view.

my app have 2 buttons , depending on wich button pressed image view image. want save image , when open app again choosen image still there.

the way know save shared preferences in case doesnt work.

someone can my? thank

this code:

public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity {  imageview imagen; button boton;  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);      imagen = (imageview) findviewbyid(;     boton = (button) findviewbyid(;      sharedpreferences preferences= getsharedpreferences("preferencias", mode_private);     string imagen= preferences.getstring("imagen", null); }  public void boton1(view view){      imagen.setimageresource(r.drawable.imagen1);      sharedpreferences preferences = getsharedpreferences("preferencias", context.mode_private);     sharedpreferences.editor editor = preferences.edit();     editor.putstring("imagen", imagen.getresources().tostring());     editor.apply(); }  public void boton2(view view){      imagen.setimageresource(r.drawable.imagen2);      sharedpreferences preferences = getsharedpreferences("preferencias", context.mode_private);     sharedpreferences.editor editor = preferences.edit();     editor.putstring("imagen", imagen.getresources().tostring());     editor.apply(); } 


you save uri in string format of drawable in shared preference. (rename yourimagename drawable name) :

uri imageuri = uri.parse("android.resource://"+context.getpackagename()+"/drawable/yourimagename"); string uri_tostring = imageuri.tostring();    sharedpreferences preferences = getsharedpreferences("preferencias", context.mode_private); sharedpreferences.editor editor = preferences.edit(); editor.putstring("imageuri", uri_tostring); editor.apply(); 

in mainactivity, in onresume set image source of imageview :

sharedpreferences preferences = getsharedpreferences("preferencias", context.mode_private); string imageuri = preferences.getstring("imageuri",null);  if (imageuri != null) {    uri uri = uri.parse(imageuri);    yourimageview.setimageuri(uri); } 


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