opengl es - Getters in Android Open GLES 2.0 don't work -

for quite long time looking answer in different forums why in below mentioned case getters not work. decided register in stackoverflow , try ask here. please, let me know doing wrong. have cube 27 class:

public class cube27 { private floatbuffer vertexbuffer;  // buffer vertex-array private shortbuffer indexbuffer; float x; float y; float z; float s; float xoff; float yoff; float zoff;  private int colorhandle; private final string vertexshadercode =         "uniform mat4 umvpmatrix;" +                 "attribute vec4 vposition;" +                 "void main() {" +                 "  gl_position = umvpmatrix * vposition;" +                 "}";  private final string fragmentshadercode =         "precision mediump float;" +                 "uniform vec4 vcolor;" +                 "void main() {" +                 "  gl_fragcolor = vcolor;" +                 "}"; private int mvpmatrixhandle; private int positionhandle; private final int program;  public float[] mmodelmatrix = new float[16];            //přidáno kvůli translaci !!!  static final int coords_per_vertex = 3; private final int vertexstride = coords_per_vertex * 4; // 4 bytes per vertex  private float[][] colors = {  // colors of 6 faces         {1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.3f},  // 0. orange front         {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f},  // 1. violet         {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f},  // 2. red bottom         {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f},  // 3. blue top         {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f},  // 4. green right         {1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f}   // 5. yellow left };  short[][] indexesordered = {          {0, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2},   // orange front                 {4, 6, 7, 4, 7, 5},  // violet                          {2, 5, 4, 2, 0, 4},  // green bottom                               {1, 6, 3, 6, 3, 7},  // blue top                                         {2, 3, 5, 3, 5, 7},  // red right                                                 {6, 0, 1, 4, 6, 0}  // yellow left  };  // constructor - set buffers public cube27(float x, float y, float z, float s, float xoff, float yoff, float zoff)  {      matrix.setidentitym(mmodelmatrix, 0);  //přidáno kvůli translaci !!!      float[] vertices = {  // vertices of 6 faces      x+xoff-s, y+yoff-s, z+zoff-s,  // 0. left-bottom-front     x+xoff+s, y+yoff-s, z+zoff-s,  // 1. right-bottom-front     x+xoff-s, y+yoff+s, z+zoff-s,  // 2. left-top-front     x+xoff+s, y+yoff+s, z+zoff-s,  // 3. right-top-front     x+xoff-s, y+yoff-s, z+zoff+s,  // 4. left-bottom-back     x+xoff-s, y+yoff+s, z+zoff+s,  // 5. left-top-back     x+xoff+s, y+yoff-s, z+zoff+s,  // 6. right-bottom-back     x+xoff+s, y+yoff+s, z+zoff+s,  // 7. right-top-back      };      // setup vertex-array buffer. vertices in float. float has 4 bytes     bytebuffer vbb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(vertices.length * 4);     vbb.order(byteorder.nativeorder()); // use native byte order     vertexbuffer = vbb.asfloatbuffer(); // convert byte float     vertexbuffer.put(vertices);         // copy data buffer     vertexbuffer.position(0);           // rewind       int vertexshader = myglrenderer.loadshader(gles20.gl_vertex_shader, vertexshadercode);     int fragmentshader = myglrenderer.loadshader(gles20.gl_fragment_shader, fragmentshadercode);      program = gles20.glcreateprogram();     gles20.glattachshader(program, vertexshader);     gles20.glattachshader(program, fragmentshader);     gles20.gllinkprogram(program); }  public float getx() {     return x; } public void setx(float sourx) {     x = sourx; }  public float gety() {     return y; } public void sety(float soury) {     y = soury; }  public float getz() {     return z; } public void setz(float sourz) {     z = sourz; }  public float gets() {     return s; } public void sets(float sours) {     s = sours; }      public float getxoff() {         return xoff;     }     public void setxoff(float sourxoff) {         xoff = sourxoff;     }      public float getyoff() {         return yoff;     }     public void setyoff(float souryoff) {         yoff = souryoff;     }      public float getzoff() {         return zoff;     }     public void setzoff(float sourzoff) {         zoff = sourzoff;     }  // draw shape public void draw(float[] mvpmatrix) {     gles20.gluseprogram(program);      positionhandle = gles20.glgetattriblocation(program, "vposition");     gles20.glenablevertexattribarray(positionhandle);     gles20.glvertexattribpointer(positionhandle, coords_per_vertex, gles20.gl_float, false, vertexstride, vertexbuffer);      mvpmatrixhandle = gles20.glgetuniformlocation(program, "umvpmatrix");     gles20.gluniformmatrix4fv(mvpmatrixhandle, 1, false, mvpmatrix, 0);     // render faces       int numfaces = 6;     (int face = 0; face < numfaces; face++) {          bytebuffer idb = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(indexesordered[face].length * 2);         idb.order(byteorder.nativeorder());         indexbuffer = idb.asshortbuffer();         indexbuffer.put(indexesordered[face]);         indexbuffer.position(0);          // set color each of faces         colorhandle = gles20.glgetuniformlocation(program, "vcolor");         gles20.gluniform4fv(colorhandle, 1, colors[face], 0);         gles20.gldrawelements(gles20.gl_triangles, indexesordered[face].length, gles20.gl_unsigned_short, indexbuffer);    }     gles20.gldisablevertexattribarray(positionhandle); } } 

in myglsurfaceview set renderer drawing on glsurfaceview in ontouchevent method select cube it’s index:

public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent e) {      if((math.abs(dx)+math.abs(dy))<5) {          if (x>22.0f && x<230.0f) mrenderer.setindy(0);                   else if (x>256.0f && x<464.0f) mrenderer.setindy(1);              else if (x>488.0f && x<696.0f) mrenderer.setindy(2);           if (y>326.0f && y<538.0f)  mrenderer.setindx(2);             else if (y>560.0f && y<768.0f)  mrenderer.setindx(1);             else if (y>794.0f && y<1002.0f) mrenderer.setindx(0);         mrenderer.setindz(0); } 

then have myglrenderer class, have declared (among others ):

public class myglrenderer implements glsurfaceview.renderer { private int indx=0; private int indy=0; private int indz=0;  int pocet = 3; cube27[][][] mcube27 = new cube27[pocet][pocet][pocet]; 

and in onsurfacecreated method have created 3 * 3 * 3 cubes = 27 cubes, create 1 big cube looking rubik cube.

public void onsurfacecreated(gl10 unused, eglconfig config) {   (int = 0; < pocet ; i++) {     (int j = 0; j < pocet ; j++) {         (int k = 0; k < pocet ; k++) {                 if ((i==1)&&(j==1)&&(k==1))   //x,y,z,s,xoff,yoff,zoff             mcube27[i][j][k]= new cube27(i-pocet/2,j-pocet/2,kpocet/2,0.15f, 0, 0, 0);         else             mcube27[i][j][k] = new cube27(i-pocet/2,j-pocet/2,k-pocet/2,0.35f, 0, 0, 0);          }     } } 

and draw cubes in ondrawframes method

    public void ondrawframe(gl10 unused) {                                        float[] scratchr = new float[16];  gles20.glenable(gl10.gl_depth_test); //all necessary code make open gles 2.0 work ending  matrix.multiplymm(scratchr, 0, mmvpmatrix, 0, mrotationmatrix, 0); 

then declare 6 variables , assign them values this:

float gx = mcube27[indx][indy][indz].getx(); float gy = mcube27[indx][indy][indz].gety(); float gz = mcube27[indx][indy][indz].getz(); float gs = mcube27[indx][indy][indz].gets();    float gxf = mcube27[indx][indy][indz].getxoff(); float gyf = mcube27[indx][indy][indz].getyoff(); float gzf = mcube27[indx][indy][indz].getzoff(); 

and created new cube27[indx][indy][indz] instead of selected 1 values same old 1 had , new this:

  mcube27[indx][indy][indz]= new cube27(indx-pocet/2,indy-pocet/2,indz-pocet/2, 0.2f, gxf, gyf+0.5f, gzf);       

this new cube should moved 0.5 in direction of y axis , every further touch 0.5.

finally draw cubes in cycle this:

for (int = 0; < pocet ; i++) {     (int j = 0; j < pocet ; j++) {         (int k = 0; k < pocet ; k++) {            mcube27[i][j][k].draw(scratchr);//rotace pomocí setrotatem         }     } } 

and realized did not work. when touch screen first time new cube has been created @ right place , side 0.2, because values gx, gy , gz 0. when touch screen second time, nothing changes. indicates there not new value of 0.5 in gyf, still 0, because getyoff did not read new value. tryied this:

mcube27[indx][indy][indz]= new cube27( gx, gy, gz, gs + 0.35f, gxf, gyf, gzf); 

what should make bigger cube (0.35 + 0.35 = 0.7) @ same place , result follows: mcube27[indx][indy][indz] disappeared , central cube, side of 0.15 of same size 0.35 other cubes. indicates mcube27[indx][indy][indz] created @ place of central cube coords of 0, 0, 0. confirms values gx, gy , gz 0, because gety, gety , getz did not work.

very interesting when set indexes in ontouchevent(motionevent e) method of myglsurfaceview class using setindx, setindy , setindz methods, works , when use indexes in myglrenderer correctly set.

can explain doing wrong ?


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