c++ - How to fix terminate called after throwing an instance of std::out_of_range -

here message:

terminate called after throwing instance of 'std::out_of_range'   what():  basic_string::erase: __pos (which 18446744073709551615) > this->size() (which 22) aborted (core dumped) 

and below code far (it's supposed reformat names , dates , amounts in scrambled data file looks like:

foster, jerry lee 1995   329,475 

//this program reformats retirement account data file oldretirement.txt , outputs data new file newretirement.txt   #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<fstream> #include<cctype> #include<string> #include<cstring> #include<cstddef>   using namespace std;  void getridof(string &line); int splitamount(string &line); int splityear(string &line); string splitfullname(string &line);  int main(){   ifstream fin;  ofstream fout;  string line;  string finalname;  size_t found;  int finalamount;  int finalyear;   fin.open("oldretirement.txt");  if(fin.fail())   {cout<< "input file failed open. \n";    exit (1);}  fout.open("newretirement.txt");  if(fout.fail())   {cout<<"output file failed open.\n";    exit (1);}  while(!fin.eof()){  getline(fin,line); // getridof(line);   finalamount = splitamount(line);  finalyear = splityear(line);  getridof(line);  // found = line.find(","); // if(found!=string::npos)  // {finalname = line;} // else  // {finalname = splitfullname(line);}   fout << finalname << finalyear << finalamount << endl; } fin.close(); fout.close(); }   void getridof(string &line){  int location = 0;  location=line.find("account$:"); cout << location << endl;  if(location != 0){  // location=line.find("account$:");   line.erase(location,9);}  cout<< "get rid of " << line << endl; location = line.find("born:");  if(location != -1){  // location=line.find("account$:");   line.erase(location,5);}  cout<< "get rid of b " << line << endl;  return; }  int splitamount(string &line){   int a;  size_t found = -1;  int num_len;  line.erase(line.find_last_of(","),1);  cout << "amount " <<  line << endl;  found=line.find_last_of((" "));  num_len=line.length()-found;  char amount[num_len];  for(int i=0;i<num_len;i++){  amount[i] = line[found + 1 + i];  }  line=line.substr(0,found); cout << "amount b " << line<< endl;  a=atoi(amount); cout << "amount c "  << << endl;  return a; }  int splityear(string &line){  char year[4];  int y;  size_t found = -1; cout << "split year " << line << endl;  found =  line.find_first_of("1",1);  for(int i=0;i<4;i++){ year[i] = line[found+i];  }  line=line.erase(found,4);  y=atoi(year); cout << "split year b " << line << endl;  cout << "split year c " << y << endl;  return y; }  string splitfullname(string &line){  string last;  string rest = ", ";  string fullname;  size_t found = -1;  found = line.find_last_of(" ");  last = line.substr(found+1); // line.erase(found,string::npos);  rest.insert(3,line);  fullname = last + rest;  return fullname; }  //temp=line.substr(line.first_of("1",0)) //get today's date , subtract integer version of birth dates in data today's date. (finalyear atoi) (age = currentyear-intyear) in main. 

change :

if(location != 0){ 


if(location != string::npos){ 

if no matches found std::string::find(), function returns string::npos. npos static member constant value greatest possible value element of type size_t.

that reason seeing value 18446744073709551615, cause of std::out_of_range`.


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