c++ - Having problems creating function that copies linked list while in template -
assignment make list of integers , functions various things. finished one.
after figured out how make function searches list specific value , node, have make function duplicates said list. however, i'm having serious trouble doing material have right now.
this class i'm working (t template)
template <class t> class integerlist{ private: struct listnode { t value; struct listnode *next; }; listnode *head; public: //this constructor. integerlist() {head = null;} //destructor ~integerlist(); void appendnode(t); void insertnode(t); void deletenode(t); void searchnode(t); void duplicatenode(t); void displaylist() const; };
the functions far:
//==appendnode definition== template<class t> void integerlist<t>::appendnode(t newvalue) { listnode *newnode; listnode *nodeptr; newnode = new listnode; newnode->value = newvalue; newnode->next = null; if (!head) head = newnode; else { nodeptr = head; while (nodeptr->next)nodeptr = nodeptr->next; nodeptr->next = newnode; } } //==displaylist definition== template<class t> void integerlist<t>::displaylist() const { listnode *nodeptr; nodeptr = head; while (nodeptr) { cout << nodeptr->value << ""; nodeptr = nodeptr->next; } cout << endl; } //==insertnode definiton== template<class t> void integerlist<t>::insertnode(t newvalue) { listnode *newnode; listnode *nodeptr; listnode *previousnode = null; newnode = new listnode; newnode->value = newvalue; if (!head) { head = newnode; newnode->next = null; } else { nodeptr = head; previousnode = null; while (nodeptr != null && nodeptr->value < newvalue) { previousnode = nodeptr; nodeptr = nodeptr->next; } if (previousnode == null) { head = newnode; newnode->next = nodeptr; } else { previousnode->next = newnode; newnode->next = nodeptr; } } } //==deletenode definition== template<class t> void integerlist<t>::deletenode(t searchvalue) { listnode *nodeptr; listnode *previousnode = null; if (!head) return; if (head->value == searchvalue) { nodeptr = head->next; delete head; head = nodeptr; } else { nodeptr = head; while (nodeptr != null && nodeptr->value != searchvalue) { previousnode = nodeptr; nodeptr = nodeptr->next; } if (nodeptr) { previousnode->next = nodeptr->next; delete nodeptr; } } } //searchnode definiton template <class t> void integerlist<t>::searchnode(t searchvalue) { listnode *nodeptr=0; nodeptr = head; int = searchvalue; //this variable initiated remember number search for. use in if statement. int j = 0; //this variable dedicated position number, starting 0. increments 1 when while loop loops. while (nodeptr) { if (i == nodeptr->value) { //this if statemtent return success message position number if number found. cout << "\nthe value "<< nodeptr->value <<" found in list, in position " << j <<" of list.\n"; return; } else { nodeptr = nodeptr->next; j++; } } //this message plays when goes through list without finding value. cout << "\nthe value " << << " not found in list.\n"; } //==duplicatenode definition== template<class t> void integerlist<t>::duplicatenode(t) { if (list == null) return null; listnode* result = new listnode; result->value = list->value; result->next = clone(list->next); return result; } //==destructor definition== template<class t> integerlist<t>::~integerlist() { listnode *nodeptr; listnode *nextnode; nodeptr = head; while (nodeptr != null) { nextnode = nodeptr->next; delete nodeptr; nodeptr = nextnode; } }
and main function testing happens.
int main() { integerlist<int> list1; list1.appendnode(1); list1.appendnode(2); list1.appendnode(5); list1.displaylist(); list1.insertnode(4); list1.displaylist(); list1.deletenode(2); list1.displaylist(); cout << "\nthis line breaks denote searchnode function running.\n"; list1.searchnode(5); list1.searchnode(3); cout << "\nline break denote copynode function running.\n"; integerlist<int> list2(list1); list2.displaylist(); cin.ignore(); cin.get(); return 0; }
searching around has not yielded me useful or usable answers. there way can while keeping template?
when looking @ provided source code, way duplicate list1
has not been completed.
analysis - existing class integerlist
, use of integerlist<int> list2(list1);
duplicate performed @ data level. class contains 1 pointer data listnode *head;
, default copying constructor copy list1->head
. result is:
- using
add same nodelist2
, - using
remove same nodelist2
, - using
solution - perform copy of list1
, allow manage both lists independently, necessary add own copy-constructor.
class integerlist
declaration, append copy-constructor. source list passed-by reference.
integerlist(integerlist& src);
then add copy-constructor implementation.
- the destination
listnode *head;
before starting copy, - the source list explored
function, - each source node add in destination list using
the proposed copy-constructor:
template<class t> integerlist<t>::integerlist(integerlist& src) : head(null) { listnode *nodeptr; nodeptr = src.head; while (nodeptr) { appendnode(nodeptr->value); nodeptr = nodeptr->next; } }
no change needed in
function. use ofintegerlist<int> list2(list1);
automatically call specific copy-constructor instead of default one.
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