sqldatetime - Need assistance in calculating Due Date using SQL Server Functions -

am trying calculate due date using invoice date following constraints

  • will have 2 text boxes 1 enter day of month , enter day before due month

  • if day of month 4 , day before due month 5 have calculate values subtracting 4 , 5 if subtracted value -ve 1 , if invoice date entered 11/13/2016 due date must 12/04/2017 (here 04 day of month)

  • if day of month 15 , day before due month 5 , subtracted value 10 (not negative) invoice date entered 11/13/2016 means due date must 12/15/2016 (here 15 day of month) if invoice date less or equal subtracted value ie 10 invoice date 11/09/2016 invoice date must 11/15/2016

note above constraints must satisfy leap year while calculating fue dates

please me new bee sql server functions

the code have tried

declare  @invoicedate datetime ='02/01/2016'         ,@tenantid bigint=29         ,@paymenttermid bigint=2  begin     declare @duedate datetime     declare @actualduedate bigint     declare @calculateddate datetime     declare @paymenttypes bigint     declare @daysofmonth bigint     declare @daysafterdueday bigint     declare @noofdays bigint      select @paymenttypes = payment_types         ,@noofdays = number_of_days         ,@daysofmonth = day_of_month         ,@daysafterdueday = days_after_due_day         xc_payment_terms_master         tenant_id = @tenantid         , payment_term_id = @paymenttermid       if @paymenttypes = 1     begin         set @calculateddate = dateadd(dd, @noofdays, @invoicedate)     end     else if @paymenttypes = 2     begin         set @actualduedate = @daysofmonth - @daysafterdueday             if 1 = (             iif(datepart(dd, (                         eomonth(concat (                                 datepart(yyyy, @invoicedate)                                 ,'0201'                         ))                 )) = 29, 1, 0)             )             --leap year             begin             if(@actualduedate <= 0)             begin             if datepart(dd, @invoicedate) = 30             ,  datepart(mm, @invoicedate) =01             begin             set @calculateddate=dateadd(dd, 31, @invoicedate)             end             else if datepart(dd, @invoicedate) = 31             ,  datepart(mm, @invoicedate) =01             begin             set @calculateddate=dateadd(dd, 31, @invoicedate)             end             else             begin             if @daysofmonth = 30 or @daysofmonth =31             begin             set @calculateddate= dateadd(s,-1,dateadd(mm, datediff(m,0, @invoicedate)+2,0))             end             else             begin             declare @newnegativedate datetime             set @newnegativedate = dateadd(day, @daysofmonth - datepart(day, @invoicedate), @invoicedate);             set @duedate = dateadd(mm, 1, @newnegativedate)             end             end             end             else if(@actualduedate > 0)             begin             select 2             declare @combineddate datetime             set @combineddate=dateadd(day, @actualduedate - datepart(day, @invoicedate), @invoicedate);             select @invoicedate invdate              select @combineddate combdate             if @invoicedate > @combineddate             begin             select 115 true             declare @newdate datetime             set @newdate = dateadd(day, @daysofmonth - datepart(day, @invoicedate), @invoicedate);             set @duedate = dateadd(mm, 1, @newdate)             select @duedate dates             end              else              begin             set @duedate=dateadd(day, @daysofmonth - datepart(day, @invoicedate), @invoicedate);             select @duedate datedue             end              end             end             else              --not leap year             begin              end          end         end 

finally solved creating following functions

create function [dbo].[xc_calculate_due_date] (     @invoicedate datetime     ,@tenantid bigint     ,@paymenttermid bigint     ) returns datetime begin     declare @dayofmonth bigint     declare @dayofnextmonth bigint     declare @paymenttypes bigint     declare @noofdays bigint      select @paymenttypes = payment_types         ,@noofdays = number_of_days         ,@dayofmonth = day_of_month         ,@dayofnextmonth = days_after_due_day     xc_payment_terms_master     tenant_id = @tenantid         , payment_term_id = @paymenttermid      declare @difference bigint = isnull(@dayofmonth, 0) - isnull(@dayofnextmonth, 0)     declare @duedate datetime     declare @actualduedate bigint     declare @calculateddate datetime      if @paymenttypes = 1     begin         set @duedate = dateadd(dd, @noofdays, @invoicedate)     end     else if @paymenttypes = 2     begin         declare @leapyear tinyint = iif(datepart(dd, (                         eomonth(concat (                                 datepart(yyyy, @invoicedate)                                 ,'0201'                                 ))                         )) = 29, 1, 0)          if @difference <= 0         begin             declare @startingdate datetime             declare @newdate datetime             declare @nextmonth datetime              if 1 = @leapyear             begin                 set @startingdate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, @invoicedate), 0)                 set @nextmonth = dateadd(month, 1, @startingdate)                  if 1 = datepart(month, @invoicedate)                 begin                     if @dayofmonth = 30                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, dateadd(month, 2, @invoicedate)), 0)                     end                     else if @dayofmonth = 31                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(day, 1, dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, dateadd(month, 2, @invoicedate)), 0))                     end                     else                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(day, @dayofmonth - 1, @nextmonth)                     end                 end                 else                 begin                     set @duedate = dateadd(day, @dayofmonth - 1, @nextmonth)                 end             end             else             begin                 set @startingdate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, @invoicedate), 0)                 set @nextmonth = dateadd(month, 1, @startingdate)                  if 1 = datepart(month, @invoicedate)                 begin                     if @dayofmonth = 29                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, dateadd(month, 2, @invoicedate)), 0)                     end                     else if @dayofmonth = 30                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(day, 1, dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, dateadd(month, 2, @invoicedate)), 0))                     end                     else if @dayofmonth = 31                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(day, 2, dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, dateadd(month, 2, @invoicedate)), 0))                     end                     else                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(day, @dayofmonth - 1, @nextmonth)                     end                 end                 else                 begin                     set @duedate = dateadd(day, @dayofmonth - 1, @nextmonth)                 end             end         end         else         begin             declare @sdates datetime = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, @invoicedate), 0)             declare @nmonth datetime = dateadd(month, 1, @sdates)              if datepart(dd, @invoicedate) > @difference             begin                 if @dayofmonth > 30                     , datepart(dd, @invoicedate) <> @difference                 begin                     set @duedate = dateadd(s, - 1, dateadd(mm, datediff(m, 0, @nmonth) + 1, 0))                 end                 else                 begin                     set @duedate = dateadd(day, @dayofmonth - 1, @nmonth)                 end             end             else             begin                 if @dayofmonth > 30                     , datepart(dd, @invoicedate) <> @difference                 begin                     set @duedate = dateadd(s, - 1, dateadd(mm, datediff(m, 0, @nmonth) + 1, 0))                 end                 else if @dayofmonth > 30                     , datepart(dd, @invoicedate) = @difference                 begin                     set @duedate = dateadd(s, - 1, dateadd(mm, datediff(m, 0, @sdates) + 1, 0))                 end                 else                 begin                     set @duedate = dateadd(day, @dayofmonth - 1, @sdates)                 end             end              if 1 = @leapyear             begin                 if 1 = datepart(month, @invoicedate)                     , datepart(dd, @invoicedate) <> @difference                 begin                     if @dayofmonth > 29                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(s, - 1, dateadd(mm, datediff(m, 0, @nmonth) + 1, 0))                     end                 end             end             else             begin                 if 1 = datepart(month, @invoicedate)                     , datepart(dd, @invoicedate) <> @difference                 begin                     if @dayofmonth >= 29                     begin                         set @duedate = dateadd(s, - 1, dateadd(mm, datediff(m, 0, @nmonth) + 1, 0))                     end                 end             end         end     end      return @duedate end 


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