angular - Object change detection in array -
i need manually (or automatically) change detect property of object in array. have array of productshops entity in ngfor loop filtered "isnotdeleted" property. when change value of isnotdeleted property angular not detect change.
<ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li *ngfor="let productshop of product.productshops | filter:'isnotdeleted':true" > <a href="#categoryassoctab{{}}" data-toggle="tab">{{}}</a> </li> </ul>
edit: pipe implementation:
import {pipe, pipetransform} "@angular/core"; @pipe({ name: 'filter' }) export class filterpipe implements pipetransform{ transform(value:array<any>, property, equal){ let properties = property.split('.') if(value){ return value.filter(item => { let finalvalue:any = item properties.foreach(p => { finalvalue = finalvalue[p] }) return finalvalue == equal }) } return [] } }
your pipe should marked not pure, because result of transformation given input can change though input hasn't changed.
@pipe({ name: 'filter', pure: false })
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