android - ListView in BottomSheet -

i ran problem had simple listview in bottomsheet , listview had enough items fill screen , scroll more.

when scroll down, seems work when tried scroll up, scrolling bottomsheet , closing view instead of scrolling listview.

i able find solution after while , since couldn't find anywhere here, figured post here.

the solution extend listview this:

public class bottomsheetlistview extends listview {     public bottomsheetlistview (context context, attributeset p_attrs) {         super (context, p_attrs);     }      @override     public boolean onintercepttouchevent(motionevent ev) {         return true;     }      @override     public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent ev) {         if (canscrollvertically(this)) {             getparent().requestdisallowintercepttouchevent(true);         }         return super.ontouchevent(ev);     }      public boolean canscrollvertically (abslistview view) {         boolean canscroll = false;          if (view !=null && view.getchildcount ()> 0) {             boolean isontop = view.getfirstvisibleposition() != 0 || view.getchildat(0).gettop() != 0;             boolean isallitemsvisible = isontop && view.getlastvisibleposition() == view.getchildcount();              if (isontop || isallitemsvisible) {                 canscroll = true;             }         }          return  canscroll;     } } 

then in layout file bottom_sheet_view.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <linearlayout xmlns:android=""     android:orientation="vertical"     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent">      <         android:id="@+id/listviewbtmsheet"         android:divider="@color/colorprimary"         android:dividerheight="1dp"         android:layout_weight="1"         android:layout_width="match_parent"         android:layout_height="0dp" />  </linearlayout> 

then finally, in activity/fragment:

bottomsheetdialog dialog = new bottomsheetdialog(context); dialog.setcontentview(r.layout.bottom_sheet_view);  bottomsheetlistview listview = (bottomsheetlistview) dialog.findviewbyid(; // apply adapter - add data listview; 

this provide bottomsheet working listview scroll.


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