java - Android background timer updating a Texview Item of Recyclerview -

i'm using handler create countdown timer inside of service class. timer works decreasing remaining time , works updating texview on item of recyclerview working. problem is, when application closed , reopen, timer no longer able update texview on item of recyclerview working.

from recyclerview adapter i'm calling function service start timer. , of eventbus libray able change texview.

... @override public pageadapter.theviewholder oncreateviewholder(viewgroup parent, int viewtype) {     if (!eventbus.getdefault().isregistered(this)) { //register eventbus library         eventbus.getdefault().register(this);     }     view itemview = layoutinflater.from(parent.getcontext()).inflate(r.layout.custom_item, parent, false);     return new theviewholder(itemview); }  @override public void onbindviewholder(final pageadapter.theviewholder holder, int position) {     holder.btn_start_countdown.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {             new servicehelper().starttimer(milliseconds, holder);//call function in service start timer         }     } }  //the pojo eventbus post new data public static class countertextpojo {     volatile private long duration;     private theviewholder holder;     public countertextpojo(long duration, theviewholder holder){         this.duration = duration;         this.holder = holder;     }     public long getduration(){         return duration;     } }  //eventbus function change textview duration @subscribe(threadmode = threadmode.main) public void onevent(countertextpojo data) {     long duration = data.getduration();     theviewholder holder =  data.getholder();     int seconds = (int) (duration / 1000) % 60 ;     int minutes = (int) ((duration / (1000*60)) % 60);     int hours   = (int) ((duration / (1000*60*60)) % 24);     holder.durationtexview.settext(string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d",hours,minutes,seconds));      if(duration < 1){         //countdown finish... staf     } } 

this part of service class timer called.

static handler handler=new handler(); ... public void starttimer(long duration, pageadapter.theviewholder holder){     ...      handler.postdelayed(new timer(duration, holder),0);//call class start timer }  static class timer implements runnable {     volatile pageadapter.theviewholder holder;     volatile long duration;     public timer(long duration, pageadapter.theviewholder holder){             this.holder = holder;             this.duration = duration;     }      @override     public void run() {         ...         duration -= 1000; //remove 1 seconds         handler.postdelayed(this,1000); //delay in 1 seconds         eventbus.getdefault().post(new pageadapter.countertextpojo(duration, holder)); //update textview using eventbus function     } } 

what possible way achieve want?


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