git - Error with pod spec lint -

i want public framework.

i have created pod spec in framework directory, fill pod spec information, type pod spec lint

but gives me error:

-> kpimageview (1.0.0)     - error | [ios] unknown: encountered unknown error ([!] /usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/t5/rgq4j6cn7h79khx0xsftrjtw0000gp/t/d20161113-67362-1dxzrg4 --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch 1.0.0  cloning '/var/folders/t5/rgq4j6cn7h79khx0xsftrjtw0000gp/t/d20161113-67362-1dxzrg4'... warning: not find remote branch 1.0.0 clone. fatal: remote branch 1.0.0 not found in upstream origin ) during validation.  analyzed 1 podspec.  [!] spec did not pass validation, due 1 error. [!] validator swift projects uses swift 3.0 default, if using different version of swift can use `.swift-version` file set version pod. example use swift 2.3, run: `echo "2.3" > .swift-version`. 

my podspec: |s|         = "kpimageview"   s.version      = "0.0.3"   s.summary      = "uiimageview ken burns effect."   s.homepage     = ""   s.license      = { :type => 'mit' }       = { "khuong291" => "" }   s.source       = { :git => "", :tag => s.version.to_s }    s.platform     = :ios, '7.0'   s.requires_arc = true    s.source_files = 'kpimageview/kpimageview/*' end 

that looks cocoapods issue 4871

that error because tag 1.0.0 not pushed.

don't forget push tags git push --tags.


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