python 2.7 - getting input from kivy textinput -
i want use later project, want print user's input textinput
clicking button on mainscreen
, when run , click on button text "print text" nothing happens no errors , no output.
the .kv file:
#: import fadetransition kivy.uix.screenmanager.fadetransition screenmanagement: transition: fadetransition() mainscreen: secondscreen: <mainscreen>: name: "main" button: on_release: root.get_text text: "print text" font_size: 50 size_hint:0.3,0.1 textinput: text:"hello world" size_hint: 0.35,0.25 pos_hint:{"right":1, "top":1} color:1,0,0,1 id: user_text button: color: 0,1,0,1 font_size: 25 size_hint: 0.3,0.25 text: "continue" on_release: app.root.current = "other" pos_hint:{"right":1, "top":0} <secondscreen>: name: "other" floatlayout: button: color: 0,1,0,1 font_size: 25 size_hint: 0.3,0.25 text: "back home" on_release: app.root.current = "main" pos_hint:{"right":1, "top":1}
the python code:
from import app #kivy.require("1.9.1") kivy.lang import builder kivy.uix.screenmanager import screenmanager, screen , fadetransition kivy.uix.widget import widget import line kivy.uix.textinput import textinput class mainscreen(screen): def get_text(self,*args): textinput= self.ids.user_text user= textinput.text print(user) class secondscreen(screen): pass class screenmanagement(screenmanager): pass gui = builder.load_file("main.kv") class mainapp(app): def build(self): return gui mainapp().run()
when code in kv
, bind directly if you'd call function e.g.
on_release: do_this()
but did without parenthesis if casual python binding:
add parenthesis , should print:
on_release: root.get_text()
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