plsql - PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "/" -

i aware has been asked many times, problem doesn't seem go away. i've put delimiter in correct places still keep on getting error 'error(9,1): encountered symbol "/" ' @ line 9. if i'm not mistaken, delimiter causes error shold there.

create or replace package for_class_nov2  procedure print_sname(s_no s.sno%type);  function find_max_qty return number;  end; /  create or replace package body for_class_nov2  procedure print_sname(s_no s.sno%type) s_sname s.sname%type;  begin   select sname   s_sname   s   sno = s_no;    dbms_out.put_line('supplier name is: ' || s_name); end print_sname;  function find_max_qty() return number  m_qty number; begin   select ax(sty)   m_qty   sp;   return m_qty; end find_max_qty;  end; / 

i think should not use parenthesis in function when there's no parameters.

try replacing this:

function find_max_qty() return number 

with this:

function find_max_qty return number 

also, have variable named s_sname you're printing s_name.


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